When Did I Get Old (Official Music Video)

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Artist: Derrick Dove & the Peacekeepers
Song: When Did I Get Old
Album: Rough Time
Year: 2023
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At 80 years old, I’m still waiting for “old” to hit me. Yes, I’m slower but 29 inside my mind.


I lost my wife, 66 years old last week. We have been married since 1989. I sat in the hospital with her 12 hours a day for almost two weeks. Toward the end she started hallucinating, contracted a condition DIC where the body clots and bleeds, watched her body core temp drop to hypothermia, I looked at my daughter as she wept and told her, I'm sorry it's time honey, turned to the Doctor with a nod, he replied you are so right Sir we are doing her more harm than good. So proud of my daughter as I told her this is the hardest thing in her life she will have to endure, all else will be fine. We have yet to find out what caused her illness as she was fine prior to all of this. While taking care of matters this week I was reminded how all of our gained material wealth that we work so hard for has no value what so ever, only the time you spend with loved one's is the upmost importance as one day we all will take our turn for that "cycle of life." Her date of birth December 25, 1956 ❤️ 😥


Someone said, "We blinked and we are here. We are old. It goes that fast." For all of you young folks out there, if the good Lord lets you live to an "old" age, take note. Life goes by very fast. You probably don't give it even a second's worth of thought as you go about your busy days, but you will be here before you know it. Slow down, cherish every breath you have been given, get off of your phone for a few minutes, and just enjoy being alive. And even more important, get to know Jesus as your personal Lord and savior. Without Him, all else is worthless.


I just turned 78 last April. I thought I was "Forever Young". Worked out at the gym. Did weight training. Ate healthy, took my vitamins. No liquor, no drugs. Lived a pretty clean life. Loved the same person for 40 years until they passed away in 2017. How did I get to where I am ? The one thing that has made me old is being alone. Society is pretty sickening right now. All the things I fought for my whole life seems to be slowly taken away. It's almost all behind me now and in a way, I'm glad. One day soon, I'll be


At 65, I miss my younger days because this world today is not what I grew up in. Problems, yes but nothing like today.


If you are young and watching this -Take note.


I’m 74, my husband 76. We started “going steady” at 15 & 17. Just recently we realized we are at the end. It’s a very sobering thought. Sooner or later, every human being will have this realization. Memories are made when you aren’t even aware. Enjoy life, and as they say… don’t sweat the small stuff!


I’m 80. Retired. Bored stiff. An old friend called me and offered me a job. My own hours. I sell something I get paid a commission. This is the best Christmas ever. Thank you Lord!!


I'm 45 yrs old, I sit here listening to this and reading all of my elders posts. I respect the hell out of all of you! The hardest workers, most responsible and dedicated humans that exist. I'm younger but I have an old soul. My heart goes out to you all.


I once had a boss who could have easily retired comfortably, but he still drove 40 miles to work 6 days a week. One day I asked him why he didn't retire, & he said something that's stuck with me to this day. He said John, "you need a reason to get up in the morning". In other words, staying busy doing what you love is the key to a long life.

I "retired" from the outdoor power equipment industry at age 62, & started a auto detailing business 15 years ago. I'm 76 now, and still work 6 days a week at my own pace doing what I love. Yeah, I have my share of aches & pains, but I have never been happier. I always say, I'd rather wear out than rust out!

I encourage anyone our age who is feeling down on themselves, to do some soul searching, find that thing you love to do, turn off the TV & get the hell off the couch! Find a hobby, volunteer, mentor young people, make things, repair things! That is my prayer for you 🙏


At 73 years old, I am one year into a two-year cancer treatment plan, just had my fourth mini stroke in the past twenty years and was just diagnosed with an aneurysm. Having already lived longer than I thought I would, THIS SONG WILL KEEP ME GOING! Thank You!


I'm 70 years old and my grandparents pretty much raised me. This life ain't easy you've got to come out fight'n and go out fight'n. The Lord never promised us a rose garden down here but He did promise we could be with Him up there. Just make sure when your time comes you accepted Jesus and been born again.


Growing old is not for amateurs. Never ever regret getting old because it is a privilege that has been denied to many. Any morning you wake up, it is a pretty good start.


I'm a girl that just celebrated my 77 birthday. The exterior may show some wear and tear the chassis is a bit run down, but the engine is still running and humming right along and for that, I am more than grateful. Kindness, the best medicine.💞💞💞


Wow! About time somebody said this! I'm 75yrs old and I still listen to the old, good Music like it was yesterday. We were true, we stood for peace & love. We wanted to Bless you all. Thank you


We are not old, we are older than some,
Younger than others
We are grateful for each day we awake and see the sun ☀️!!


It's weird being the same age as old people.


Believe in Jesus. My husband's Heavenly Birthday is tomorrow, would be 71. Five years of missing him but know I will see him again because of Jesus!


My daddy (rest his soul) used to say an old man wants only one thing. That's the chance to do it all over again. Man, aint it the truth!


I recently almost lost my husband. Married 36 years. Together 39. As I was following the paramedics to the hospital I thought, this is how it happens. This is when I become a widow. In the ER watching the staff cut his clothes off and trying to save his life was a surreal experience. The physician said he had a few hours left at the time I called 911. His illness came on quickly and was out of the blue. He survived. I am grateful of course. But it was a wake up call. That we are at the end of life and need to prepare. We’ve started getting rid of the belongings we’ve lovingly collected. Things that hold memories. But it must be done as we have no children and I don’t want strangers sorting through our things. The end of life is strange. Very strange. Be grateful folks, for every minute. Make as many beautiful memories as you can. Have fun. Get outside and breath the air. Take in nature. Move about while your body lets you. Because it was yesterday it seemed that I was a young girl who met a young man. We blinked and we are here. We are old. It goes that fast.