Universal Design for Learning—A Paradigm for Maximum Inclusion | Terence Brady | TEDxWestFurongRoad

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Universal Design for Learning (UDL)—A Paradigm for Maximum Inclusion |
Dr. Brady, an Oxford research fellow focused on curriculum development, explains the theory behind how the universal principles of design, used in fields such as architecture, might be applied to education to create more inclusive learning environments and support systems.
Dr. Terence Brady is an educator from Ireland, holding degrees in Philosophical Humanities, Theology, and Religious Conflict. A passionate leader of learning support, Dr. Terence is an Oxford research fellow focused on curriculum development. He is also a huge fan of Arsenal Football Club.
Dr. Brady, an Oxford research fellow focused on curriculum development, explains the theory behind how the universal principles of design, used in fields such as architecture, might be applied to education to create more inclusive learning environments and support systems.
Dr. Terence Brady is an educator from Ireland, holding degrees in Philosophical Humanities, Theology, and Religious Conflict. A passionate leader of learning support, Dr. Terence is an Oxford research fellow focused on curriculum development. He is also a huge fan of Arsenal Football Club.
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