Ukraine 'essentially' asking United States to join war against Russia daily

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Former White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney says Ukrainians are asking the United States to essentially go to war against Russia.

Mr Mulvaney said Ukraine's daily request for a no-fly zone over Ukraine would effectively be a declaration of war because it would mean a US or NATO plane would have to shoot down a Russian plane.

“I simply don’t see that happening,” Mr Mulvaney told Sky News Australia.

“There’s no stomach for that.

“I don’t think anyone is itching other than some fringe members of my party, Lindsey Graham for example, itching to go to war with the Russians.”
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Germany was warned years ago that they were becoming dependent on Russia for energy, they decided to laugh in response.


Anyone else noticing we aren’t talking about that thing that has enveloped our lives the past 2 years 🤔


Best to stay the hell out of this mess!!!!


To be America's enemy is dangerous but to be its friend is fatal


Iraq' Afghanistan' Libya' Syria' Yemen and countless others others keep your noses out of it the USA.


Oh my god, Nazi need help, USA need to support, as they grew Taliban and alquaeda...


Why does America have to be in every war?


why would they not?... they installed him


Zelensky is starting to sound like a bit of a Drama Queen. Poke the bear and find out.


Americans are saying no, but be careful with Biden regime!


F that. I want to see the Germans and Italians step up.


Repost: *How airplane leasing companies in Europe leasing Airbus to Russia are being screwed by NATO sanctions!*
Interesting side effect of european sanctions on russia (as per Phil Seymour - President of the association of European Leasing Companies. )

All over the world airlines don't own their own planes, they lease them.
The European Union has imposed sanctions on Russia and obliged European leasing companies to take back all leased aircraft from Russia by March 28th. That's a total of 520 aircraft.

Phil Seymour, President of the Association of European Leasing Companies said

1. Return of 520 aircraft! How is this to be done? The Russians said if you refuse to lease them to us, get them back yourself! How can we get 520 crews to Russia when the airspace in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine is closed? We can't fly in!

2. Once the handover has taken place in Russian airports, the planes will no longer be Russian. But a non-Russian plane is not allowed to fly in Russian airspace – the Russian airspace is blocked! We won't be able to fly out!

3. However, the leasing companies are the initiators of the termination of these leases. In the original calculation of the cost of fines in such a case, we will all be bankrupted at once. It's easier and cheaper to go bankrupt than to take back the planes.

4. February is over and Russia has to pay the lease payments for the month. Russia is willing to pay but cannot pay because it is excluded from SWIFT. We ourselves have to pay fines because of the terminations, but in view of the lack of incoming payments from Russia we have no money for such payments!

5. Even if we take back these planes, what are we going to do with them? We don't need them, nobody wants them and it's impossible to sell them!

6. The Boeings of American leasing companies are not affected. If Europe takes the planes away from the Russians, the US will supply Russia with its Boeing planes and become the world's No. 1 airline, bankrupting both the European leasing company and Airbus."


How to start a worldwide war that no one turns up to .. we are well on target.


Given the fact that it’s Brandon 💩head’s fault that seems fair.


The US told Ukraine they would cover their back if they got rid of their nukes. But Ukrainians got bit. US - you knew I was a snake when you picked me up.


Isn’t it funny how it’s never America’s or NATO’s fault how is it always somebody else’s


Sky, one minute you're saying Ukraine's winning, the next day they're asking for military aid, what's the headline tomorrow?


I am sick and tired of war . I have witnessed many war start from Iran Iraq1987. Iraq war 1990. Serbia war 1999. Afghanistan war 2001. Iraq war 2003.Syrian war 2011. Libya war 2012.

Now I want to see two super power fight in order to see who will win the war . But by talking and sanctions make worse for world humanity. Politicians never thinking about taxpayers and ordinary citizens how they will suffer from the sanctions, it’s not only Russian suffer but entire world population will suffer from sanctions.


We are staying out of this US taxpayers


No war no war no war no war no war no war
