Μεγάλη Παρασκευή Εσπέρας- Περιφορά του Επιταφίου | Holy Friday 2020- Procession of the Epitaphios

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Ἔῤῥαναν τὸν τάφον, αἱ Μυροφόροι μύρα, λίαν πρωῒ ἐλθοῦσαι.
Myrrh the women sprinkled, bearing stores of spices, to grace Thy tomb ere dawning.

Light up our church for Holy Week (initiated by the Philoptochos of Saint Markella, Saint Anna). If you would like to "light a candle" for any of the Holy Week Services, please donate to the Cathedral by clicking the to our website below. You are welcome to donate any amount you like but our candles are: $1, $3, $5, $20. Please contact us with any questions.

Click the link below to view the schedule of Holy Week services on our website and follow us on our social media accounts for updates.

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