Kubernetes Services explained | ClusterIP vs NodePort

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Complete Overview of Kubernetes Services | Kubernetes Services Types explained: ClusterIP vs NodePort

In this video I will give you a complete overview of Kubernetes Services:
First I explain shortly what Service component is in Kubernetes and when we need it and then I’ll go through the different Service types:
* ClusterIP Service
* NodePort
I will explain the differences between them and when to use which.
So by the end of the video you’ll have a great understanding of K8s Services and will be able to use them in practice

#kubernetes #kubernetesservices #techworldwithrajendra
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what is a host port and how to choose one.
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Sir, how will the UI pod or web-pod know that it has to redirect the traffic particularly to the DB Cluster IP service(db-svc). Since there may be other cluster IP services running inside the cluster.


as u have mentioned nodeport as 8000. if i am correct then it should be in between 30000 to 32767 ?? Am i right sirr ???
