You Can Make a Dead Cicada Cry ! - Cicada Anatomy

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Cicadas are insects that produce incredibly loud cries.

However, only the males can make sound.
Females cannot produce sound.

The reason why males cry is to attract females.

It's a serenade for mating.

The cry somehow sounds even more mournful, doesn't it?

However, which part of the cicada produces such a loud sound?

Let's learn about cicadas.

#cicada #science #anatomy
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Actually, the females click when they like what they hear and the males will move towards that click. David Attenbourgh showed this and was able to control a cicada by clicking his fingers together, the male would walk towards and even fly towards the sound. Thank you for the video.


Thank you for telling me how they sound and why they do that, because whenever I think of them doing it imagine the female just hearing “EEEUUUUEEEUUUUEEEUUUU” And going “ Oh I will John! “😂


I have been bitten by a cicada. I held in in my palm and cupped over it with my other hand, shading it from the sun. I sat there talking to my brother with it in my hands for about 15 minutes and I felt one of the most painful stinging/ringing sensation with a feeling of something moving around in my hand. I checked, and it had its proboscis in my palm. I had to rip it off and watched the proboscis come out. It must have gotten comfortable and mistaken my hand for a tree.


One of my favorite activities as a child during summer, was to catch cicadas. I would sometimes climb 15 feet up to get them. Many flew away as I got close. Would catch them hatching out of their holes just after dark, and let them climb my bedroom curtains to molt and let their wings fold out and dry. My mom wasn’t very keen on that. lol.


I was “lucky” enough to be a child when the 17-year cicadas woke up in Manassas, VA in the early ‘70s. It was so LOUD! And scary. And crunchy. Oh, and fun for a little girl like me. I had quite an imagination. I played with them, their dead corpses, and their shells. That was back when I was 4 years old. They’d get stuck in my thick brown hair. I’d stomp and jump and shake, flailing my arms around, squealing and trying to get them off, only to have another land on my head. I got used to it. Then they were gone.


Just in time as I got to Greece a day ago and holy crap these guys are loud.


Next time someone says he/she is empty inside, remember that male cicadas exists.


I love your channel! Do you think you could dissect a flounder next? Given the way they go from looking like a normal fish when young to becoming flat and both eyes moving to one side of their head would make for an interesting video!


We need a video dedicated solely to sebastian


I really like that you make these videos educational yet funny 😂 I've learnt a lot definitely!!


Live cicadas are annoying enough. Yet this man is telling people how to make dead ones cry. Now that's a supervillain move.


Another thing about cicadas, they actually taste real good, kinda like walnuts, at least from my experience.


You know, i really think that your channel is the only one giving a *real useful* science content in youtube.


In germany, Cicada only become about 6 mm in length (Philaenus spumarius). Most germans are oblivious to the fact that we even have those at all because they are so small that they are usually mistaken for beetles or bugs.


It always is unsettling when they cry. It’s like shrill laughter to me. Almost makes my neck itchy.


Sebastian is adorable! Also, this video was incredibly educational. I enjoy how the info is presented and can't wait for more ppl to enjoy your content. I have a feeling you're from Korea (I'm British Korean!) 'cos I noticed on another video you were using a Korean product though it wasn't super visible (it was vinegar or smth can't remember) and the green painted concrete in some of your videos is common in Korea in parking areas and apartment rooftops. Because of your fun brand of memey humour I was wondering if you were either Korean or Japanese. Anyway, the twerking was hilarious, but most of all I learned so much about cicadas and it's fascinating how their internal structure can create such interesting vibration sounds like a can being crushed in an echo chamber. You've got a great talent for teaching! Tysm :>



“Wow, fascinating. Can I have my ass back now, please?”


Ok I totally pictured someone blowing into the detached abdomen like a whistle and making a perfect cicada call 😂


Imagine if this was an Alien documentary about some bunch of adult aliens grabbing the throat of a Human, plugging it into some sort of vacuum cleaner and making it scream and talk like


How you preserve this animals that you can still move them without breaking it's amazing?
Someone in my family I barely remember used to be a bug catcher he literally had a whole room full of insects but I was only able to visit when I was a kid and I thought it was pretty boring but as a grown up I probably wouldn't leave that room for days it's freaking interesting!
