Big Brother US - 26x21.. in 13 Minutes (Pt 1)

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*PART ONE* of my recap of Big Brother 26 Episode 21. This episode includes the Week 6 A.I. Arena competition and the live eviction. I added some silly stuff but kept everything important from the episode. This half has all the aftermath of the POV ceremony from last episode and all the strategy leading up the A.I. Arena competition. The competition and eviction vote are in Part Two. I do not own anything used in this video and believe it falls under fair use. The intro I use is one I edited myself using the #bigbrothercanada #bbcan theme music.
Some of the video clips I used in this recap are from #robinhoodmenintights #friends #fullhouse #easya #themask #10thingsihateaboutyou #dodgeball #thecore #sisteract #grease #scarymovie #hairspray #that70sshow #whatsyournumber and many more!
Please enjoy, like, share and subscribe!
#bigbrother #bigbrotherus #bigbrother2024 #bigbrother26 #bbus #bb26 #bb2024 #aiarena #liveeviction #challenges #competition #vote #funny #clips #recap #reaction #content #creator #contentcreator #edit #editor #subscribe #youtuber #new #gameshow #realitytv #unscripted #drama #juliechen #angela #tucker #tkor #cam #kimo #chelsie #makensy #quinn #joseph #leah #rubina
Some of the video clips I used in this recap are from #robinhoodmenintights #friends #fullhouse #easya #themask #10thingsihateaboutyou #dodgeball #thecore #sisteract #grease #scarymovie #hairspray #that70sshow #whatsyournumber and many more!
Please enjoy, like, share and subscribe!
#bigbrother #bigbrotherus #bigbrother2024 #bigbrother26 #bbus #bb26 #bb2024 #aiarena #liveeviction #challenges #competition #vote #funny #clips #recap #reaction #content #creator #contentcreator #edit #editor #subscribe #youtuber #new #gameshow #realitytv #unscripted #drama #juliechen #angela #tucker #tkor #cam #kimo #chelsie #makensy #quinn #joseph #leah #rubina