Ains vs Climb | Overlord IV

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The number of times the power of friendship has been destroyed in this series is unparalleled.


I just love how everyone in the room except Climb is having such a fun day.🤣

Ainz is certainly a master of roleplaying as a villain, Ulbert would be so proud.


You know Ainz was having the time of his life fighting Climb. For the first time in probably years, he got to roleplay as an evil overlord style final boss and against someone who's basically a stereotypical protagonist no less.


Climb : I don't fear you.
Ainz : Then you shall die braver than most.


I love how when climb was about to enter the throne room the frost virgins said how he’s the last human in this castle, hinting that renner already a demon.


I don't think people understand how badass Climb is, he literally never showed fear. Not even once. Anyone remember the test Sebas gave him? He fought through the fear of death, even Brian was scared to death. Climb faced Ainz without fear once again, he's a true warrior


"What answer will make you suffer most?" Is such an underrated line.

This is the most "You can't handle the truth." Moment in anime history.


Love how he goes for the red orb, like its a obvious weak point.


"If this were a story, you'd be able to call forth a hidden power to defeat me. But this is reality. Such a thing won't happen."
*Laughs in Goblin Lord Enri*


As an RPG lover I can understand Climb's joy in making the final boss enter second phase, there is no greater honor than a great defeat.


To Renner, Ainz absolutely outsmarted her and put her in a checkmate, forcing her to play her entire hand and showing what she was truly capable of. She could no longer hide any of her ability because she believed that Ainz showed up and took up such a silly role in order to test her loyalty to Nazarick, and if she hid anything from him, she’d be dooming herself.
To Ainz, this was a good chance for him to roleplay an evil overlord, and he was having fun with it.

This plan wasn’t meant to have Ainz be present himself, and it certainly wasn’t meant for Ainz to take on such a silly role, as both Albedo and Remner believed. Albedo felt very annoyed that Ainz had lowered himself to play along with the Princess’ plan, and now no longer holds any personal like for Renner; she is now solely a subordinate to Albedo. Renner was banking on the fact that the Prime Minister of the Sorcerer Kingdom liked her personally, so she would basically be safe, but after this stunt, her safety is no longer guaranteed. Thanks to Ainz role playing, Renner lost all favour she had with Albedo, and no has no form of insurance for her safety, meaning she now has to work her damn hardest to be of use to Ainz, so that she doesn’t displease him or sully his name.
Renner now also believes in “SASUGA, AINZ-SAMA”, so ironically, she fits right in with Nazarick.

People make fun of Climb, but props to him. He had no fear when it came to fighting, after his ‘training’ with Sebas. He took on anything, and everything, head on. No natural born talent or skill, just a normal boy made a knight. If Ainz wasn’t, well…Ainz, his initial tactic of throwing his sword to catch the opponent off-guard and punching them in the face was actually so absurd, it would work. Him targeting Ainz world item was also a smart tactic. Despite being a normal boy, Climb had a decent showing in combat. And even at death door, he felt proud of himself that the almighty Sorcerer King would bother to use magic on a weakling and nobody like him. Props to Climb. He’s a good kid that really doesn’t deserve his fate.


I just noticed now, but I love how at 1:05 the gushing of blood actually slows down instead of endlessly pouring blood. Nice little detail.


Can you imagine trying your absolute best and not being able to do even -1 HP damage to a boss in the video game


I think Climb tapping into the power of friendship could've actually worked for him. It does exist in this universe. He just didn't have any friends.


Even though I knew Climb didn’t stand a chance, I still rooted for him, he’s just got that warriors determination.


Damn. Ainz is the second person to touch climbs heart


Honestly what happens after Climb "dies" is so much worse. He doesn't learn the truth of why the kingdom fell or what actually happened in the throne room and the reason for it. He doesn't even get to stay dead because the truth of that is so much worse, and it also drives home what Ainz said:

"Death is a mercy on Nazarick."


Ainz really hit Climb with Madara’s “wake up to reality speech”, and it was glorious


Climb.... Somewhere behind all the pride and courage there is a very broken man...
