Why Khrushchev famously wielded a shoe at the UN
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Professor Ludmilla Selezneva speaks about the incident where a Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev and waved his shoe at the UN assembley in 1960.
- Mythology around the incident
- What really happened at the meeting and why the Soviet leader was irritated
- Political agenda in 1960: Decolonization, Hungarian revolt
- Why Nikita Khrushchev had taken off his shoe
- Khroshchev’s and the policy of peaceful coexistence
- Mythology around the incident
- What really happened at the meeting and why the Soviet leader was irritated
- Political agenda in 1960: Decolonization, Hungarian revolt
- Why Nikita Khrushchev had taken off his shoe
- Khroshchev’s and the policy of peaceful coexistence
Why Khrushchev famously wielded a shoe at the UN
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