That beautiful disgusting tone

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The guitar is tuned to drop C in 448 hz for no reason other than I thought it sounded better a little sharp. I'm playing through Archetype Nolly crunch amp

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if the early 2000s was a sound, it'd be this


"and how I survived high school"


it’s low key criminal to not turn this into a full song i can imagine the drums going off on a rampage the singer screaming and the bass just hammering the low string


I think its the reverb and the feeling like you’re hearing it from another room that gives it the nostalgic feel.
Its the same with the videos that do “2010 party but you’re in the bathroom” and you hear the music from a different room, its that element I think :)


"Turns out, the real tone was the friends we made along the way."


This sounds like that last day of high school when friends agree to 'stay in touch' but eventually drift apart and become strangers.


“And there we all were, with the rest of our lives ahead of us, and we didn’t even know it…

Everyone has since gone their own way, Julia finally made it as the lawyer she always wanted to be in New York.

Jason joined the Army just like his Dad. I just found out that he was killed in action a few years ago, stepped on an IED, I like to think he didn’t feel a thing. I still see his mom from time to time, still wearing the necklace we all made for our Mom’s as kids in elementary school. I don’t think she recognizes me.

And Taylor, who knows what we could have been, but her and her husband had a baby girl and moved to Florida, they seem really happy.

I’m the only one left here, I stayed behind to take over the family business, and every night as I take my evening jog, I run through those neighborhoods, by the schools where it all began, and for a moment I miss it.

But then I go home and kiss my kids good night, and sit down for a glass of wine with my wife on the porch and am grateful. Everything happened the way it should.

And I’m right where I need to be.”


Bro literally got Blink-182 guitar tone


“The truth is Stacy… I’m in love with your mom.”


This is the song that plays when the credits start rolling after a teenager in high-school movie😅


This reminds me of the last party I went to in senior year. Finals had just ended, convocation was the night before and it was one last bash before everyone went off to live their lives. At the time, a friend of mine named Max said "this is the last time we will see most of these people". At the time, i didn't think much of it, but looking back he was absolutely right. There were people who were at that party that I shared a drink with and laughed alongside that I have never spoken to since. Max and I drifted apart shortly after covid started and I don't keep in touch with anyone from high school anymore. It doesn't bother me though, I'm happy with where I am in life and I will always have the memories.


It's October 12th, 2004. You're riding your bike through your suburban neighborhood on your way home from a friend's house. The sun is setting and the sky is on fire with reds, oranges and purples. Your breath forms an ethereal trail that disappears into the crisp air. The comforting smell of dryer exhaust and wood smoke issuing from houses you pass cradles a warmth inside of you. The sun's last rays thread through the pines like outstretched arms as you speed by. Somehow, everything is going to be ok.


This makes me extremely, almost nauseatingly nostalgic


“We weren’t just a gang, we were a family. A family like no other.” [Roll credits]


this tone always brings a nostalgic feeling. Ive never really liked this type growing up, but recently i've been feeling a pull towards music like this. Gives me a feeling like i should own an electric guitar, i have no knowledge on strings at all. A gut feeling thats just lingering.


You somehow gave me nostalgia and flashbacks to times and things that never happened to me

Well done 😅


Damn this riff got me feeling like shit, no idea why it triggered some nostalgia-like feeling. Good stuff man


It sounds like nostalgia if that makes sense


The power of music is quiet powerful, this sound feels so nostalgic but also giving out on how life is currently feeling. I know this moment isn’t much at the moment but I know I’ll look back and miss these days


Don't know how I stumbled upon this video again. But damn does this remind me of some sweet late 90's to early 2000's masterpieces that need to come back. Please build this into a full song worthy of it, with a full band with as much inspiration as you had to create this
