He grooves for 1 hour, 2 minutes, and 1 second

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Hope you enjoyed the video and here's the extended version of the original.

Don't forget to support the guy who made this, he's cool

Original video: he groove by Berd

I edit my videos with vegas, check it out, it's cool!

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Audio only?
It's good for bandwidth (save your data), saves battery, you can listen to it offline, it's higher quality, and you can support the creator as well! It's so much better than listening to it from a reupload on Youtube.
I am surprised so many people haven't checked it out. Also, check the description for additional links and "easter eggs"

berd made *"they groove"*
I won't make a video about that lol. I don't think I can make a smooth loop with that one.
Desktop users can right click on the video and click loop
Mobile users can make a playlist with the video and make it loop. They can also download that video and loop it on their player settings (mxplayer and musicolet provide that)

*extra second-*
that is the true duration :) shut up.

*10 hour version when*
I may make a 10 hour version of this, I don't know. It's been so long already though. I need to upgrade my computer first

*For people who subbed, what to expect*
no expectations, actually, just unsub, pls unsub before youtube starts doing things to me against my will. They already took my discussion tab away.

The description of my most recent video explains this in more detail. This channel is just not set up to *safely* make videos and grow. Safety is keyword.

*Stolen video??*
I asked Berd for permission to make this video before I made it. I also asked Floor Baba (after upload, my bad) and he told me that it's fine and to just promote him because he really needed a push.
They are also credited in the description.

*Previous pinned? bruh*
I accidentally unpinned the previous funny one somehow... *Tokyo Ghoul Unravel noises* it said something like "pee pee poo poo"
The Floor Baba comment I made to promote him was unpinned because I don't know their situation currently, it's too long, and I did a tryhard (it's embarrasing).
The recent funny one, cheetoh, unpinned because I wanted to pin this.

*fun fact*
The extended version was supposed to be unlisted at first, I made it public for reasons, forgot to unlist it again, but left it like that because everyone wanted it to be public.

*Why was the video unlisted/private before?*
It was due to coppa. I unlisted it on November 25 2019. Coppa regulations had been updated and aren't a threat anymore. I made it public on April 2020 (Coppa stopped being a mess on January I think, yikes).
I don't think I overeacted, the risk was small but unlisting it temporarily in my view is very harmless. If you really like the video you would have the link or the video itself saved somewhere. It was not worth a risk of a fine, and unlisting it temporarily is harmless, people who really care about the video would have the link or video saved. It was not private or deleted.

*Why do this long comment?*
Boredom, fun, felt like it, some things I wanted to share, and I be like that

*Stop giving hearts*
Cus I feel like it
I can't tell you the guide to receive a heart, honestly it doesn't really matter, it's just an internet point. Even if you are just curious, I don't know, but I am more likely to give in a good day

*How are you so good at Rhythm?*
I just am 😎

This FAQ used to be a lot longer


My brain when I’m on the easiest question in the test




Son, you already have a ticket to heaven...


He groove

He smooth

But most importantly..

He got move


Honestly, I accidentally let this autoplay on YouTube on the TV, then I found it on my phone and now there's just multiple grooves going on at different times


“Son, turn that off”
“We have bigger speakers downstairs”


0.25 dead groove
0.5: s l e e b y groove
0.75: a e s t h e t i c groove
normal speed: chill groove
1.25: nice groove
1.5: spicy groove
1.75: s u p e r g r o o v e
2 *M A X I M U M G R O O V E*


I am now 40x more grateful then before. Thank you


i was searching for this for a long time thank you


*goes to school*
No one is here...
*grooves to my death*


Really just had to stretch it over 10 minuites, huh?


I literally watched it the whole hour, im proud of myself


Hello, I’m DannyDecheeto, and I want to tell you my life story, I was born as half Danny DeVito and half Cheeto, at first when I was born my parents thought I was beautiful, but.. I was always alone... I never had friends because of the way I looked in school I was always top in my class because I was half Danny DeVito so I got them brainz, I was also so very small in my younger days. I wanted to be a basketball star to prove that even small people could play. It was very hard because I was half Cheeto, in my teen days I started my first day of basket ball. My first real game! I was made fun of because of how small I was and they thought I wouldn’t make the team, but I did it, and from that day on I kept going and going pushing though and though... I would never stop, people from around the world where amazed of my talent. So I became a coach helping people like me, I won millions and trillions of dollars, and I donated to the homeless and the orphanages I loved my life, if there was anything I could change it would be to never lose hope. In my fifthd I had grandchildren, dennisdacheeto and dennydacheeto, my son, davidacheeto fell in love with a beautiful woman named by there parents, and they where the best together when they had children I was happy and so were they I taught my grandchildren everything I knew, then in my 60’s I found this app called youtube, I took participation in it and found it to be very fun, people saw my channel and knew me immediately from all the tv and basketball games they have seen, I was YouTube famous and I also watched other YouTube videos, and I’ve seen many and many but out of all my time and adventures as half human half Cheeto, I’ve never seen such an underrated video in all my life


If you ask me, well, he's great at what he does, he has talent and from listening songs like "Moonvibes" you can tell he puts a lot of feeling and fun into it, he's great and you should try to support him if you want and are able to. If you like the one on the video (disappear), you should try coldgrain, really cool song and it's kind of chill, not as chill as this one but it's pretty cool and chill and you should give it a try (When I listen to this I think of link just running around when I listen to this song, going into an adventure and going into obstacles (nothing intense) in a place filled with grass and trees with some mountains around and caves.Edit:Did I just predict breath of the wild lol?)
Edit2: I just looked at his second album, baba-bebop. And Your Self, makes you think of gud doggos, pretty gud duggos. Love is also a chill one, and baba bebop I love it, it reminds me of cave story but it also just has this style, it's awesome, I love it
(Search up: Nuggets...)
Edit3: I know this comment is so long, but there's no way I am going to.delete the fact that I predicted breath of the wild


When I'm sad, I watch this. The sadness increases but at least I don't want to die


U dont understand how bad i needed this lmao


Thanks, now I can dance at 3am with berd. Mwah


This. This brought a tear to my eye. So... so beautiful


I just cant stop watching it. This was so need it in my life. Thank you.
