Next Generation Automation for the Smart Factory…Moving PLC Control to the Edge

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Have you thought about what the automation on your factory floor will look like in 5-10 years? ‎Does the technology look the same as today? Are you prepared for the next generation of ‎controls where everything is connected, and everything is “smart”? Can you easily get the data ‎you need from factory floor to dashboard in real time with little effort? Is your current control ‎system capable of handling the future and ready to be the key component in a “Smart ‎Factory”? The truth is the control systems currently on the market do not have the capabilities ‎to handle edge computing and are not ready for Industry 4.0 or all the connectivity we will ask ‎of it. ‎

In this session, you will:‎
• Discover some new standards that are about to hit the factory floor
• Learn how those standards will impact the automation landscape
• Get introduced to the next generation of automation control systems, EcoStruxure ‎Automation Expert
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