Naranja Orange: Learn the Colors in Spanish Part 2 | Colors Song for Kids - Canción de Los Colores

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Learn More Colors in Spanish by a Native Spanish Speaker with this Spanish Colors Song Part 2: Naranja (Orange), Rosa (Pink), Morado (Purple), Marrón (Brown), Gris (Gray).


- NARANJA vs. ANARANJADO: Orange in Spanish is NARANJA. However, in some Hispanic Countries they call it "anaranjado". Generally, "Anaranjado" is an adjective and it's used when you want to say something is orange-ish or orange-colored.

- ROSA vs. ROSADO: Same thing applies to the pink color. Pink in Spanish is ROSA. In some countries they call it "ROSADO". In general, we say rosado when we want to say something is pink-ish.

- MARRÓN is also called "café" in some countries.

- MORADO can also be called "VIOLETA" in countries such as Argentina.

- GRAY vs. GREY: "Gray" is more common in the United States and "Grey" is more common in the UK.

⏰ Timestamps to Practice the Letter C in Spanish ⏰
00:00 Intro: Spanish Colors Names
00:07: Chorus: Naranja-Orange
00:50 Qué es Naranja, What is Orange. Bilingual Phrases
01:33 Listen and Repeat: Spanish Phrases
02:11 Chorus: Naranja-Orange

LETRA / LYRICS: Naranja - Orange

Los colores (The colors)
Naranja, Rosa, Morado, Marrón, Gris.

Naranja Orange, Naranja Orange
Rosa Pink, Rosa Pink
Morado Purple, Morado Purple
Marrón Brown, Marrón Brown
Gris Gray, Gris Gray

¿Qué es naranja? (What is orange?)

Qué es naranja,
El pez es naranja (The fish is orange).

Qué es rosa,
La flor es rosa (The flower is pink).

Qué es morado,
El libro es morado (The book is purple).

Qué es marrón,
La caja es marrón (The box is brown).

Qué es gris,
La nube es gris (The cloud is gray).

Naranja Orange, Naranja Orange
Rosa Pink, Rosa Pink
Morado Purple, Morado Purple
Marrón Brown, Marrón Brown
Gris Gray, Gris Gray

Songwriter: Jesica Levi.
Music & Video Production and Editing: Jesica Levi.
Google Fonts used in this video: Patrick Hand by Patrick Wagesreiter.

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