What Happened to the Pillbot Adam Swallowed

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Whatever happened to the two Pillbot robots that Adam swallowed when he visited Endiatx? Adam gives an update to his experience and attempt to retrieve the robots after they made their fantastic voyage!

Shot and edited by Norman Chan
Music by Jinglepunks
Additional media courtesy of Endiatx

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#adamsavage #pillbot #science
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Adam trying to describe butthole mindfulness he used to attempt to sense the exit is hilarious.


WE CALLED IT, we knew Adam wouldn't be able to resist


It went through adam's cave. Thank you.


I donated a kidney. Normally, I'm not one for revisiting stories of injury etc. despite being good in the moment when providing aid. However, I am really glad I asked the surgical team to take a picture of my kidney after it was extracted. I have a framed picture of it in my office.


Adam blushing and then saying in a small voice "this feels so personal" was hilarious.😂


Im an ex-nurse. Whilst i was practicing i had the dubious pleasure of having to retrive one of these GI tract camera pills from the used bed pan of a patient. The doctor had only just started using them ( this was 11 years ago) and wished to examine the camera after its passage through the digestive system. That was a whole heap of fun.


All about preparation. A bucket, a spray hose, and a bit of window screen go a long way.


i was the guinea pig to this process nearly 20 years ago. when you showed the older pill line up, i immediately remembered everything about those days. wearing a body receiver, the movements, etc... thank you for the memories; the horrible, horrible memories.


I remember when I had a cyscopy ( camera into my bladder via urethra) You normally see the inside of a pinkish balloon. Instead I saw what looked like the scenery from Aliens, 4 linked cavers with a ribbed structure on the walls. My bladder has split into 4 sections, the ribbing is known as trabeculation. My first thought was "Can I have a copy please, I want to model this for the end scene of a game of D and D".
I'm in decent health, it was caused by a benign (non spreading ) tumour and 8 years later I'm totally fine, I just happen to know my insides look a LOT cooler than most people.


Old Mythbusters quote "will you respect me in the morning " .


Adam I became an engineer in the world you created. We were so honored to have your team over to experience PillBot!


I totally retrieved my PillCam a couple of months back. I wasn’t planning on it cause ewww, but when I saw it sitting there all by itself at the bottom of the toilet, while the 💩 itself was floating, I couldn’t get bear the idea of flushing such a cool scientific marvel. I gloved up, disinfected it in Lysol (it was 100% visibly clean, had to kill bacteria, viruses, and grosses), and now I have it in a little keepsake box.

Now I have it as a little memento from the time I swallowed a camera . . . and to ick ppl out for laughs. Must say, after the initial reaction of horrified, grossed out faces upon realizing where that PillCam had been, it sparks a cool conversation about science, medicine, and all the possibilities on the horizon in this space. And yes, I always reference the video you did with the Robot Cam so others can see what’s on the horizon.


I had to provide a "sample" once for a medical diagnosis - and it was the hardest most unpleasant task ever. But I could change my kids diapers without issues. The cultural and evolutionary conditioning to avoid your own excrement is *incredibly strong*. I don't blame you man.


I’m sorry. All I could think of was Futurama. “Good news! It’s a suppository!” If you know that episode 😂


Thank you, Adam, for your honesty and forthright manner.


Thanks. I was wondering about the pillbots too. Now I feel better that I'm not the only one who finds this interesting, and that I'm not as weird as I thought.


Thank you! Had a hell of a day and you got me laughing out loud with your candid explanations of what you want to be filmed one day but unsure if you actually want to watch afterwards.


a slow motion flatulation is simultaneously something I really want to see, and something I never want to see.


As someone who works in the medical profession, I have a really high "ick" tolerance. I have to be constantly aware of my conversations with other people, as I can easily get the conversation to that "uncomfortable silence" phase.


This is why I keep coming back to the internet. Amazing.
