*COLOURFUL* she-shed makeover: New Mural, Ceiling + tools! ✨| DIY Danie

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Thank you for the wonderful inspiration!

✨ P A I N T C O L O U R S U S E D

Lavender Sky, Behr - P540-4
Gleeful, Behr - P380-5
English Daisy, Behr - P290-6
Indigo Batik, Behr - P530-6
Little Bow Pink, Behr - P130-5
Midwinter Mist, Behr - M470-3
Mandarin, Behr - P210-6
Pimento, Behr - P180-6
Smoky White, Behr - BWC -13
Dark Denim, Behr - S510-7

📖 C H A P T E R S

00:00 Intro
01:21 The Current She-Shack
02:51 The Plan
06:57 Time to transform
08:36 Clean Slate: Painting White
09:37 Adding Trim
10:44 Painting Colours
12:06 Mural Begins!
15:02 Morning *Ritual*
17:48 Mural Day 2
20:08 The reveal
20:30 Outro

📍 O T H E R P L A C E S T O F I N D M E

📸 F I L M I N G E Q U I P M E N T

📽 E D I T E D B Y

Dan White

🎶 M U S I C A T T R I B U T I O N

All music sourced by licensing.

💌 🫂 C O N N E C T W I T H M E

📬 S N A I L M A I L

Attn: Danie Berger
975A Elgin Street
PMB No.128
Cobourg, Ontario, K9A5J3

»»»» All opinions are my own. Thank you xoxox DIY Danie
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Ok WHAT A MURAL!!! The moment I saw the first pink blob I knew I’d love it 😍


I love it! I am a "color" person, do not like the current trend of neutral everything. It is BEAUTIFUL, I think you can make and paint anything.


Wow, the change in the feel of a space from a bit of added colour is amazing! I hope that this refresh helps to inspire your creativity. It looks very happy!


Seeing you get emotional at the end result was so motivating for me. I finally own my own home and boy am I going to put magic in EVERY SINGLE ROOM! Well one room is for my husband. He's turning a spare bedroom into a theater room and it's got plenty of magic going on. I love the mural. I can't wait to do my own mural in my own creative space. 💖💖💖


Loving the she-shack revival! Also, the revelation that we don’t have to choose between iced and hot coffee. We can have it all! 🥰


Love seeing you so happy! So proud to see you being so authentic and encouraging to those who watch you to be true to themselves too ❤️
You truly are such a pleasure to watch each week, you're so strong, we see you 👏 👏


That is gorgeous. And y'know, even in the winter I think it's going to still feel bright and welcoming and fiery-warm. And frankly, the tools actually add to it! The colors and shapes of the tools feel organic and weird and funky, even tho they're just, y'know, tools.

For me, my create-space is a corner of a dining room, so I used three different fabrics I got at Michael's to make a drapey... curtain... stage thing. One fabric as the full backdrop, then two fabrics overtop each other swept back at the midpoint, if that makes sense. I'm considering adding some weird fabric trim to hold back the "curtains", but right now it's just yellow ribbon. It's very dramatic and bold and is SO different from the rest of my home it's very clearly it's own space where It Is Time To Create Up In Here.

Love your videos, love you, see you next week!


So pretty! I think among the murals you've done on this space, this is the one that reflects your personality the most. 🙂 it's bright, cheerful and happy... just like you! 🙂


I also love what Danie does, but this is the first mural I absolutely loved. It made me really happy to see how much joy it was giving Danie! 🥰


I love your creativity and energy! I am a 71 year old women, and I get such a kick out of you.


What a fantastic mural! ☀️ also that “denim, denim, denim “ 😂 always love your humor and personality 😊 and the editing is awesome as always !


A peaceful morning, hot cup of coffee and a DIY Danie video. Doesn't get any better than this.


Totally worth the wait! This was a fantastic transformation. I love the breathe of fresh air the mural gave the she-Shed.
Let the inspiration flow!

P.S My Mom is and avid gardener and we are both looking forward to the greenhouse episodes.


Absolutely wonderful. So colorful, so happy, so inspiring.


You almost cried?! *I* almost cried. I need to redo my space so hardcore and this is just the push I need. Amazing job, truly!!!!🖤🖤🖤


I just love your style, your humour, your honesty- your vids make my saturdays, always pure joy :) p.s. off now painting totally inspired by you


I'm not crying, I have allergies. Yah, allergies.
Great job, LOVE it. You got a little taste of how others feel when they are lucky enough to be gifted with a Danie DIY original.


I too have been thinking about making my little art space over, and lookie here; inspiration. That mural looks absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.

P.S I hope that you cried, because I definitely felt what you were feeling in the moment.


I can feel the burst of energy in the entire space. It's as if you painted multivitamins on your wall! Looove it! You were in the flow, Danie. And it shows. What a happy place you have created.


Not feeling well today laid in bed and slept until 3:30 PM when I woke up I remembered it was DIY Danny day! Jumped out of bed and into the shower so I could sit down and watch this ! I'm pretty sure it killed all that was wrong with me I'm ready to go. Beautiful jobeautiful job absolutely striking striking!!😘😘🤩🤩❤🧡💛💚💙
