How To Tarp A Transport Truck Flatbed Load!

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Hello guys! Want to tarp a transport truck load and make it look pretty? Follow this video for the process!

This covers the basics of tarping. If you have any tips for making it look prettier or to do it faster, or any other tips, post them in the comments for all to learn!

2006 Peterbilt 379
CAT C15 MXS 650hp
B-Train Flatbed Trailers
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I work for TMC. This is definitely entertaining to watch someone who isn’t TMC and to see them struggle as much as I do. 😂 we’re really all in this thing together, even when it feels like we’re all alone.


Interesting seeing a flatbed dedicated tractor, without a headache rack. Great video


Just got my CDL and I'm excited to tarp. Being productive is good for you because your heart is your engine.


An older friend who drove he gave me a great idea and I still use it take a pice of 4 inch thin wall pvc pipe cut it a inch longer than the Bungie then hook them to the pipe. Then you have a great way to store you're Bungie s plus the pipe you can pick up and carry easy with the bungies right there . Just a neat little idea that was passed to me, works great happy hauling good videos.


Probably one of the most awaited videos on this channel! 😅It'll be lots of fun to watch! Take care and be well Matt!


Now I'm even happier with my boxtrailer! 😄 Nice job Matt 👍 Greetings from Denmark


Uk trucker here .I would
Have put the tarp on first then the straps. The ends of the tarp should be like an envelope ends tie across then the end comes over like an envelope. When I started in the 1970s we used ropes with the dollie knot .Happy days Love your channel.


Bringing back memories of my few years with J&F trucking back in the mid 1990's! Majority of their loads were tarped, lots of steel and lumber. We carried two sets of tarps on each trailer (48's), one set for steel which were 16' wide and the other set for lumber which were 24' wide.

The worst untarping jobs were lumber deliveries on a wet day/muddy lot, had to roll them up on board the load to keep inside surface clean for the next load.


Interesting way to attach the trap to the trailer. We used to use rope back in the day. But good video as always. Travel safe.


Good morning. Thank you for the video. I appreciate the attention to detail and not just showing but telling why you do things the way you do. Have an amazing day.


A 100 bungee strap s later now it's time to do the other side!😁😁 Nice job ! Stay safe out there!


You probably know this already but you can get rubber rope and run it through the d rings on your tarps. Only need like 1/4 the bungees. This brought back bad memories of tarping b-train lumber loads for me. I had to untarp and deliver in -30 one time. Those tarps were like trying to fold plywood haha 😂


Glad I don’t have to tarp my flatbed, looks like a lot of extra work. I appreciate you take the time to keep your straps untwisted. I’ll save this video in case I find myself in this situation.


I hope I see you some day so that I can say I saw you. Coming from a family full of truck drivers but I’m the first that chose otherwise. It’s really a pleasure to watch your videos Matt!


I started off with a 40' Flat Trailer & Sheeted that thing for years & I do not miss doing it, finished off with a Curtainsider & Tipper no sheets 👍


Thank you. Great video. I appreciate your attention to detail for the viewer and for the traveling public.


I always hated those straps. I've known a few guys who were severely injured using them. A tip for you: I always hooked a grommet on the tarp, under the rail, and hooked it back up to the next grommet. Next strap, do the same, hooking the grommet you left off on under the rail to the next. This way, you have two hooks per grommet with the additional benefit of diagonal tension, which keeps the tarp tucked down better.


My dude. This video came at the perfect time. I just got a new job hauling lumber. I’ll be watching for any tricks and tips, because this is my first flat bed gig.


Looked like a slippery kind of day, was making me nervous watching you walk over that pallet wrap and tarps. Be safe bud 😅


Man I hate tarping you did a great job. Granted those tarps looked lighter than the ones I've used, makes me wish I had those not the thicker ones.
