Clever Harvey Incubator - Yama Designs by Amay Bharadwaj

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Clever Harvey Incubation Program is India’s first startup incubator for teenagers which takes teens into the journey of launching their own startup. From Idea to Launch, the teens get to learn exciting things about building their own product through real-life entrepreneurial experiences. This video showcases the experience of Amay Bharadwaj, a 16-year-old teen who has worked on the idea to become a one-stop shop for all high-quality design and multimedia services. Being one of the winners of Clever Harvey Incubation Program, He won Rs. 25,000 cash prize from Clever Harvey.

Curious to know more? Here is what Amay experienced through Clever Harvey Incubation Program:

Clever Harvey Incubator gave him the opportunity to launch his own venture called “Yama Designs” which is focused on offering high-quality design and multimedia services.
Through this Incubation Program, he has got a “reality term” on what he needs to do in order to build a good scalable company.

Clever Harvey as a career accelerator helps teens to “test-drive” careers to get clarity around what to pursue in life. By offering teens a great opportunity to explore their passion and interests, it enables them to create an impact in society. Interested in the endeavor to explore real-world careers in an exciting way? Join Clever Harvey today.
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