Governments In Empire Total War | Which Is Best | How To Change

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In this video we discuss which Governments Types are Best In Empire Total War. What are the Differences? How To Change Them.

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Hanoverians seeing the Prussian army march into their territory for the fifth time: "lemme guess, another revolution?"


One of the most disappointing things is when you switch government types but the flags keep the same, like Portugal.


You missed the biggest advantage to the constitutional monarchy. Their 'lower class' is 'middle class'. All those enlightenment and industrial technologies that reduce public order of lower class don't affect them. Minister negative traits that lower happiness of the lower class also don't apply the middle class. Buildings that upset the lower class? Irrelevant. The other types have to deal with lower class happiness, CM just ignore the issue entirely by not having one.


Republic is best if you play low taxes from the start, no public order issues, amazing city growth, new cities developing super fast


One important note : If you play Crimean Khanate in Vanilla with factions unlocked, under any circumstances, do not become a republic. You lose access to 3 of your 4 unit roster(the cossack units). Leaving you only able to recruit horse archers. If you want a free army, make nobles revolt, you get rid of your incompetent ruler and get the army.


I’ve been playing this game off and on for 10 years. I had no idea you could do anything like this. Your tutorials are awesome!


I do the best with Absolute Monarchy by far, the bonus of having the best cabinet is really great and leads to high, consistent advantages. The lower recruitment costs easily make up for the slightly increased cost of garrison in the few regions you have schools in, as they will be the only ones to require them, so if you pair up 2 schools in one region, in like 3-4 regions, you can easily suppress it with costs far lower than the many thousands you save for recruitment due to lower base cost as well as an overpowered army minister.
Town wealth is basically irrelevant early and midgame, as trade and wealth from mines and factories will far outweigh everything, and by the time you reach critical mass towards the lategame and have most of the research as well as two dozen regions, you have more money than you could ever reasonably spend no matter what you do, so that downside does not really come into play either. The research bonus of the republic is also kinda bad, simply because it does not lead to a severe enough increase, you could just as easily build another school to even it out, and will be far quicker than all your enemies anyway no matter your government type.


Yes it is possible to change to Absolute Monarchy (AM), if you are a republic make your nobility revolt twice, if you are a CM make them revolt once. :)


I like absolute Monarchy. The ability to switch out ministers any time is huge!


You make the Absolute Monarchy sound much worse than it actually is.
If you get +2 public order and +5 repression you get in fact +7 public order (for your nobility); and if you get -2 public order and +5 repression you get in fact +3 public order (for your lower class).
So, without clamor for reform you get in fact the best public order properties, +10, while the Constitutional Monarchy gives you +8 and the Republic only +6.
And there is another hidden bonus for Absolute Monarchies: Most other nations are also Absolute Monarchies so you get better diplomatic relationships with them.

Combined with a great cabinet (which you can get quite easily as an Absolute Monarch), this is in fact the best type of government for the early game (and still good in the midgame). At the beginning of the game there isn’t much clamor for reform, growth and research are slowly anyway and through the public order properties you can set quite high taxes to collect a lot of money, you even get a small discount on building troops.

As soon as the disadvantages become really noticeable you can start to consider changing your government, but you can quite easily counteract a lot of that through a well-assembled cabinet and a wise building and research policy (like concentrating research in your capital region combined with enough popularity buildings and prioritizing economy and military over enlightenment).

If you feel the need to finally change your type of government, and that is ideally when industrialization kicks in, don’t waste your time with the Republic. The Constitutional Monarchy is flat-out the best type of government in the late game, and not really because of any of the bonuses listed here (though some are quite nice), but because there is absolutely no lower class (every type of government has two classes: The Absolute Monarchy has the nobility and the lower class; the Republic has the middle class and the lower class and the Constitutional Monarchy has the nobility and the middle class). Since only the lower class gets the public order debuff for industrialization you can avoid this significant debuff (which appears nearly everywhere) entirely with the Constitutional Monarchy.

The Republic is actually the worst type of government because most of its bonuses are insignificant in the early game while you get the least amount of public order and the worst cabinet. And when your bonuses are getting more relevant it’s most of the time already beneficial to change to the Constitutional Monarchy.

However, there is a situation in which a Republic is a good choice: If you want to play peacefully by concentrating on inner growth with low taxes and early enlightenment research etc.
On the other hand, that rarely works in Empire, because you are often attacked despite peaceful intentions (at least on higher difficulty levels).
So, I guess roleplay is the only good reason to choose that type of government … or if you start as a Republic than you may stay one until the industrialization begins.


I can’t change to CM government 😭 my nobility is to happy ...


i love your video, i would have never known this stuff. Keep up the awesome work!!!


The best thing is the Constitutional Monarchy, since although in the republic they are happy, the upper class is easy to get mad and will always be less happy than the lower class and they will cause problems.
The constitutional monarchy is a government that combines what makes the upper and lower classes happy, and therefore, everyone is happy and there is greater stability, especially when it comes to conquering new regions.


I consider CM to be the most balanced and effective. Always go for it. (compromise)


TL : DR Unless starting as a CM/Republic(say GB/UP) keep Absolute Monarchy initially to get your diplomatic relations in than once you have a few stable trade partners and even alliances switch to Republic for superior research and province growth and wealth generation than mid-late game switch to Constitutional Monarchy to fix your happiness issues from industrialization by virtue of not having a lower class(who is affected by all the industrialization happiness penalties) or stick to republic all the way through for the better wealth and growth.


I tried this with New Spain on darthmod and it started a Mexican rebellion. I wish it gave option to side with them.


Is there a way to induce a revolution in an enemy's nation? Like, take out their standing armies and sack all the buildings outside their capital (i.e., their farms, universities, bawdy houses, etc.)? Would that work?


I'm years too late but...
I love how in Empire what government you play depends on HOW YOU like to play. It's not like "this has X bonus which is just... better."
People like constitutional monarchy because of the always having an expertly run cabinet with triple the leader bonuses and millitary benifits.
People like constitutional monarchy for the happiness bonuses and kicking out one minister at a time and having less negative diplo with governments unlike yours, and people who play Republic love the social technologies and quick city growth.

It's balanced and suits different play styles. Personally I prefer absolute monarchy, since I can pretty much get a great cabinet and simply yeet the newbies with experienced men.

But it's all player preference! And that's what I love about Empire, it's an in depth sandbox.


Idk pick my own ministers is always the reason I have absolute monarchy


Playing as Sweden, became a Republic....had 2 more revolutions afterwards but always a Republic.
