18 - BeaconFence Deep Dive: Beacon App Solution Development

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BeaconFence Deep Dive: Beacon App Solution Development
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Technical Session #18
10:00am - 10:45am PDT

BeaconFence is a developer proximity solution that delivers precise “GPS-Free” indoor/outdoor user location tracking and events with radial and geometric zones for any physical location and layout. Visually draw the layout of the physical location and beacon placement to track location information down to inches. Create radial and rectangular zones and track intersections, enters, and exits with callback events. BeaconFence enables developers to take proximity beacons to the next level by adding precision spatial location awareness to their applications both indoors and outdoors. This technical session, by members of the R&D team, will show you how to development and deploy BeaconFence applications.

Level: Advanced

Diego Navarro and R&D Team - Embarcadero Technologies
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