How SpaceX Starbase SHOCKED NASA Artemis Team! NASA finally realized Starship better than SLS...

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How SpaceX Starbase SHOCKED NASA Artemis Team! NASA finally realized Starship better than SLS...
How SpaceX Starbase SHOCKED NASA Artemis Team! NASA finally realized Starship better than SLS…

If the speed of the current fastest Tesla car is 408 kilometers an hour.
For Dragon Re-entry Capsule, it is over 27,359 kilometers an hour in orbit.
The changes in Starbase are actually measured by minutes!
It’s not exaggerated in the case that if your house is near Starbase, you fall asleep at night, then you wake up, everything seems to be different.
Yeah so this even shocked NASA’s Artemis Team.
Find out what we’re talking about as we get into today’s episode of Alpha Tech.
The April 20 event reminds the Nasa team about the similar one which happened last year in Kennedy Space Center's Pad 39B. Remember the Artemis I moon rocket blow out partly the infrastructure of its pad?
It seems to be luckier than SpaceX’s counterpart because it just tolerates a thrust as half of the thrust of 33 Raptor engines. In addition, the NASA team also has more time to wind down between two Artemis missions while they keep busy with tasks in terms of repair and upgrade.
But it’s not the same for Elon Musk’s employees who are always racing against time to prepare for the upcoming second flight test and Artemis III alike.
How SpaceX Starbase SHOCKED NASA Artemis Team! NASA finally realized Starship better than SLS...
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I am a substitute teacher. I have a long term job with 3rd graders for the next 4 months. At the beginning of this year I asked them if they’d heard of Space X. NOT ONE hand was raised. So, I bought a Space X Cap and a Falcon Heavy Tee Shirt and wore them this last Friday. I plan on starting a rocket club soon and doing a Space X and NASA update once a week. BTW when I told them Space X wants to put people on Mars in the next 10 years there was a gasp in the room. I think I got their attention! …LOL


A metaphor of the efficiency of Atemis and SpaceX: If an Atemis technician needs a screwdriver. Artemis management analyzes the request (with an offsite or 2) and eventually organizes parade to deliver a screwdriver to the technician. At SpaceX, the technician simply reaches for the one on his work belt.


SLS is a moneymaker for the contractor. SpaceX is designed to accomplish a mission.


the most amazing thing about spacex is how much they improve their rocket in this amount of time. they came from nothing try to do something that space agency fail and success.


With the speed & advances that space X has achieved. I am now beginning to think that in my lifetime I will be able to go to Mars. To all you naysayers team MUSK is an unbeatable Force


SpaceX is what NASA used to be at beginning of the space program - rapid experimental development


NASA is so top heavy with bureaucracy the probably spend more time creating reports and studies than engines or launch pads.


Congress just doesn't want to admit Elon built a better system for a lot less, while they wasted the taxpayer's money.


Looking at that big hole underneath the launch platform, I'm confident with my speculation that Elon knew that the first launch would save them time for demolition to facilitate the upgrade.😄


Interesting. Thanks.
A lot of good solid comments .


Government has always excelled in the creation of massive bureaucracy, and the consumption of resources.


NASA would have the opportunity to offer its own ideas and other instruments to be transported into space via space x and emphasize, for example, lunar modules to be transferred to the moon. I think cooperation would be richer for the American people. But NASA's rockets are too old technology and way too expensive too.


Nice video! Thanks for keeping us updated. I enjoy and appreciate when you give information that is outside of the highly reported on information. I wish you the best!


The real problem is that Boeing no longer seems to be the right partner for the development of future instruments needed to conquer space. Boeing is only interested in revenue and profit. It no longer produces anything authentically new. He only recycles the things he already has, and after a coat of new paint he sells them at a very high price to NASA and others. Just look at what it did with the 737 Max and other aircraft like the 777 and the 787. If NASA wants to make progress, it needs to look elsewhere, towards those startups that have fresh ideas and a great desire to grow and maybe don't have to be influenced by shareholders greedy and petulant


Make to orbit with Starship SpaceX and it will be the nail in NASA’s coffin


Why not SpaceX buy the SLS and give it a upgrade like Starship?


NASA needs to be in a commercial support role and Boeing's role needs to be more limited.


What is Bolden doing (and predicting) today?

I love how you present and explain things, but to keep my interest you do need to become more than a SpaceX PR firm. What about China, India, Israel, Japan, ESA? Lots of actgivity, competition, and accomplishments happening around the world. Closer to home, I'd love to hear your analysis of Stoke, Rocket Lab, Firefly, Alpha, Relativity, ABL, Astra, and, of course, Bezo's Blue Origin. Heck, even Spin Launch. Give them your in depth treatment. I try to watch your video every morning at breakfast but it's beginning to resemble the local news. Broaden your horizon.


I bet you they can't account for every $ of the money spent on Artemis. You know, "lost" money that really went to kickbacks, etc.


Thanks! Good overview on politics and space!
