4K Yellowstone Walks - Trout Lake Otters and Fish - Yellowstone - Virtual Walking Trails Treadmill

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4K City Walks - Trout Lake Otters and Fish - Yellowstone - Virtual Walking Trails for Treadmill is my favorite walk I've done in quite awhile. I took a day and went down to Yellowstone to film for my other channel, Amazing Nature Relaxation Therapy, and also to do a walk around Trout Lake near Cooke City and Silvergate, MT. The wild flowers had bloomed and I found lots of great relaxing shots to film but I also saw a lot of cool animals. At the lake, I filmed spawning cut throat trout, a ground squirrel that "hid" right next to the trail, a family of geese, and, best of all, two playful otters. I took some shaky closeups that I"ve added in to the walk (about 1 min) of the otters. Not filmed were three bears, two wolves, and lots of bison. I hope you enjoy this walk. I can't convey the beauty of Yellowstone in words.
1:37 - Wildflower patch
2:41 - Lupine close
4:38 - Approaching Trout Lake
6:52 - Ground squirrel close
11:22 - Stream outlet and spawning trout
12:47 - Indian paintbrush
13:31 - Spawning trout
15:25 - close on spawning trout
16:08 - Geese with goslings
18:53 - Otter on log
19:41 - otters swimming close
21:42 - man with open carry side arm on chest
25:40 - lake outlet and bridge
27:14 - Second otter on log
30:29 - trail down to road turn
34:52 - View up Soda Butte Creek valley
37:23 - Parking area and mountains
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Virtual treadmill walk video - #virtualtreadmill #virtualwalk #citywalks
These videos are great for treadmill walking scenery. Getting good health at the gym while traveling to different and special virtual locations.
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If you like walking treadmill videos or treadmill trail videos, this is a great channel to subscribe to. We have dozens of treadmill workout video and treadmill walking video to choose from. We hope you enjoy.
1:37 - Wildflower patch
2:41 - Lupine close
4:38 - Approaching Trout Lake
6:52 - Ground squirrel close
11:22 - Stream outlet and spawning trout
12:47 - Indian paintbrush
13:31 - Spawning trout
15:25 - close on spawning trout
16:08 - Geese with goslings
18:53 - Otter on log
19:41 - otters swimming close
21:42 - man with open carry side arm on chest
25:40 - lake outlet and bridge
27:14 - Second otter on log
30:29 - trail down to road turn
34:52 - View up Soda Butte Creek valley
37:23 - Parking area and mountains
You might be interested in our other Channels:
Virtual treadmill walk video - #virtualtreadmill #virtualwalk #citywalks
These videos are great for treadmill walking scenery. Getting good health at the gym while traveling to different and special virtual locations.
We provide Treadmill scenery youtube.
If you like walking treadmill videos or treadmill trail videos, this is a great channel to subscribe to. We have dozens of treadmill workout video and treadmill walking video to choose from. We hope you enjoy.