Can You Beat Spyro Enter The Dragonfly Without Gliding?

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#canyoubeat #spyro #spyrothedragon

So, I chose to do this challenge because I thought it would be a nice easy one after the massive edit that was Final Fantasy 8. How wrong I was. This was quite possibly the most difficult Spyro challenge yet, and not necessarily due to a lack of skill (although I do lack that sometimes). This particular challenge required carefully planning out our routes ahead of time, otherwise we risk softlocks.

A big thank you to these two Spyro Speed Runners, without them, I would have fallen to many of the aforementioned softlocks:

Thanks for watching!

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"This isn't flying. This is swimming in the air. With style!"
-Buzz Lightyear playing Spyro


Definitely love the inclusion of both any% and max% in this. Had me wondering why the video was so long when it ended in 3 minutes


Holy shit, you tore this game APART, well done!! The thieve's den place just had me shaking my head in disbelief


I'm actually glad to see you using savestates, I think it's really dumb when someone is trying to perform a very precise glitch and people complain when they use them


Let's gooo! This was the only Spyro game I ever played and thought it was pretty fun. 15 years later I saw the internet didn't.


Snuggles did such an excellent job on that breath challenge in the Thieves level; that would have driven me insane after only a few failed attempts, so gg's on that my dude.


43:29 Good god the timing on that Bonfire mission is insane, can't believe you went through the effort of all that for a challenge run!


"We're treating this challenge as if Spyro's wings have been clipped."
Then how do you explain the use of the Wing Shield ability in Thieves' Den? Checkmate, PHONY!
Nah but for real, great video. Probably the most in depth I will ever know this broken mess of a game. If only Universal didn't push the developers to have it out by Christmas, who knows, this game could have been great.


Enter the Dragonfly is one of the games of all time. You go through the game, you walk in the air, the level sometimes shows up, what more do you need?


I'm so excited that the video is out! Pushing games past what they are supposed to be able to do is one of my favourite things to do, and helping you with this was a lot of fun, can't wait to watch it! Always feel free to get in touch for any games that you are having any issues with for these challenges, it's always a great time <3


42:20 I was paying such close attention to what you were saying that when I only half-saw that message box at the bottom, I thought it said 'You caught Autism!' for a second and I was like 'yeah, fair enough'.


The timed challenge where you die to reach the last two bonfires is amazing. It's like they made the time ridiculously generous on purpose knowing someone would come up with that!


This really was the sonic 06 of spyro games. As a preteen/teen I couldn't remember why this was my least played spyro game, so I booted it up and immediately noticed the terrible frame drops, broken controls, and the crashing. That cloud level was the worst culprit with the framerate rarely going above single digits.

Great video though! I'm not really a big fan of glitches but seeing the creativity used when combining multiple glitches to work in tandem is so much fun.


Ever since watching Mr FO1's Enter the Dragonfly documentary I have a new found respect for this game. It wasn't that the developers were bad, it was just that the game went through development hell in an era where you couldn't patch games easily. I have 100%'d this game fairly recently and some levels are actually quite good. It's just sad knowing what it could have been.

Great run of the game anyway, it's just a shame Monkey Monastery had to go and ruin it. Also learnt a thing or two, didn't know there were too many gems in the Jurassic level and didn't know Ripto had multiple forms based on completion.


35:50 Spyro 3 had sliding sections if I recall correctly, so the idea is not even original to EtD, except being behind a portal so it classifies as a minigame


Really nice to see a bigger channel cover the walk on air money bags skip!

I made a amateur video about it before, glad to see the knowledge lives on!


For real guys you are actual magicians of videogaming. Besides the sheer skill, the production value of the videos is high too, especially the commentary. Well done guys!


I remember playing this game. Grew up on spyro, ripto's rage, and year of the dragon.
Was excited when i saw this.
Got to the ripto fight in this game and wondered where the rest of the game was


I am used to seeing you glitch your way through games, but this one is just insane, so ridiculously broken. If anything, I'm more impressed than usual because you were able to devote such time to such a broken game without completely losing your mind! Bravo


Glad to finally see this video out! I personally had a great time trying to help you figure this stuff out on stream even if it was pain at times lol
