Captain Marvel Vs Supergirl

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I Am Not Baised Captain Marvel Scale Higher.


Listen, kid, I know you think Captain Marvel is the ultimate badass, but she's got nothing on Supergirl. Supergirl is the *real* Captain Marvel, after all. DC used the name first, and then Marvel stole it. So, technically, Supergirl is the original Captain Marvel, and Captain Marvel is just a copycat.

In terms of power, Supergirl is way stronger than Captain Marvel. She's been flying around the Earth since she was a teenager, and she's been absorbing solar energy for years. She's so powerful that she can even lift a planet. Captain Marvel, on the other hand, is just a human who got her powers from an alien explosion. She's strong, but she's no match for Supergirl.

So, there you have it. Supergirl is 10 times more powerful than Captain Marvel. She's stronger, faster, more durable, and she has more experience. If they ever fought, Supergirl would win, no contest.

But hey, you're the kid. You can believe whatever you want. Just don't come crying to me when Supergirl crushes Captain Marvel like a bug.

(Just kidding, kid. I'm sure you're a great kid. But Supergirl is still cooler than Captain Marvel.)

And just to add a little more fuel to the fire, here's a fun fact: the name "Captain Marvel" was originally used by a DC character named *Shazam*. Shazam was a young boy named Billy Batson who could transform into a powerful superhero by saying the magic word "Shazam." The name "Captain Marvel" was later used by a Marvel character named Carol Danvers, who was originally a human fighter pilot who was transformed into a Kree-human hybrid by an alien explosion.

So, there you have it. The name "Captain Marvel" has a long and complicated history, and it's been used by both DC and Marvel. But no matter who uses the name, Supergirl is still the *real* Captain Marvel.


Super Girl is the better product trust me.


very impressive
Make Superman vs ww vs Thor and scarlet withch all forms


Bro you really very UNBAISED w
Can you give your quality tutorial?


W edit but supergirl solos

Strength-Supergirl (Decked the Anti-Moniter and is stronger than Superman in general, also broke Nth metal, which is one of DC’s strongest metal and was also built into Dr. fates Helment)

Speed-Supergirl (No explanation)

Agility+Reflexes-Supergirl (Same as speed)

Durability-Supergirl (survived a black hole twice and survived a supernova, which is five times hotter than the core of the sun)

IQ-Carol (167th level intellect)

Battle IQ+Combat+skill-Supergirl (she’s trained by the DEO an organization, who is known for fighting, alien combatants and she was trained mainly by the Martian Manhunter, who is known for his great fighting skills)

Powers-Carol (she can absorb anything that matches energy)

Abilities-Supergirl (heatvision, freeze breath, x-ray vision, super hearing, super strength, superspeed, super agility, super reflexes, super breath *different from freeze breath*, durability, flight, supersonic clap, endurance, stamina, and being a paragon.)

Travel speed-Carol (She can travel through space, supergirl can’t, however if it were on earth then supergirl would get a point)

Stamina-Supergirl (She can reach up to flash’s stamina which is basically limitless)

Endurance-Supergirl (she became a paragon because of her endurance the monitor said, “Kara-Zor-El, despite all you have endured, you are the paragon of Hope” meaning that she’s basically endured more up to the point where she’s saving the entire Multiverse not just one planet)

AP/DC-Supergirl (don’t blame me, but look at Supergirl’s counterparts, such as Bizzaro, Overgirl, and even Red Kryptonite Kara. If she ever became one of them, the world will be gone a second. and the Multiverse is probably next due to her knowledge of it.)

Free Point-Carol

Feats+Scale-Supergirl (decked the anti-monitor, which is impossible to do for a kryptonian yet Supergirl manage to deck him still, defeated two 5th dimensional imps capable of multiversal destruction with a snap of their fingers, defeated three leviathan gods with kryptonite, while being vulnerable which will probably make her multiversal level.)

Winner?-Supergirl Low-Mid Diff


You do realize that most feats with thanos was because she absorbed the stones power in that fight right?


Bro Apne shake and efact ka link dal do agle vidoe me 😢😢😢😢❤ plese bro I like have edition but no have perfect shakes and efact u can't be my help ❤


W + fax, speed to captain marvel as she travelled to Tony Stark's ship in less than an hour and tony stark said that it will take many light years to arrive to him or somethin


Supergirl one punch Captain Marvel! Her powers and potential are far beyond her!


doesnt change the fact captain marvel is a trashy feminist mary sue character without actual hero motives


Strength, durability, stamina, endurance, AP, DC, IQ SUPERGIRL


Fax can you please do superman vs captain marvel


pov tell me im a fan boy without telling im a fanboy


Cap wins
But I love Supergirl
I mean love is advantage 😂❤
