Black Riders | Most Sought-After Mercenaries in Europe

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Black Riders – also known as German Reiters were some of the most sought-after mercenaries in early modern Europe. Throughout the 16th century, the Black Riders participated in many of the countless battles between Catholics and Protestants, where they found new ways of dealing with the widespread pike and shot formations, influenced the tactics of many European armies and slowly but steadily replaced the old medieval lancers. Their cost efficiency, tactics and armament were – and still are - subject to scholarly debate, but undeniably the Black Rider’s new ways of fighting changed the face of (western) European warfare strongly and lastingly. This video explains how contemporary historiography deals with the controversial topic of cavalry warfare in the 16th century.

#history #education #sandrhoman

Clifford, J. R., Tactics and the Face of Battle, in: Tallet, F., (editor), European Warfare 1350-1750.
Eltis, D., The Military Revolution in Sixteenth-Century Europe, London 1995.
Frost, R., Northern Wars, State and Society in Northeastern Europe 1558-1721, 2000.
Grbasić, Z., / V. Vuksić, L'âge d'or de la Cavalerie, 1989.
Kloosterhuis, J., “Cavalry” in: Encyclopedia For Early Modern History.
Love, R.S. «All the King’s Horsemen”: The equestrian Army of Henri IV, 1585-1598, SCJ 22 (1991), 511-33.
Meyer, H., Geschichte der Reiterkrieger, 1982.
Oeser, E., Pferd und Mensch. Die Geschichte einer Beziehung, 2007.
Parker, G., Dynastic War, in: Parker. G., (editor), The Cambridge History of Warfare, 2005.
Roberts, M., Gustav Adolf and the Art of War (first printed 1955), in: Essays on Swedish History, 1967.

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These videos take us an immense amount of time to research, review, double-check and animate. If you think this work is valuable then please do consider supporting us on Patreon. My job at the university as a teaching assistant has come to an end (you can only do the job for 4 years). So a lot of my income is now reliant on YouTube. Also please let us know whether you would like to see more videos on warfare or more videos like the series on sieges where we do more story telling.


"à horse armed with pistols"

Now that must be truly terrifying.


Knights are countered by crossbowmen and longbowmen, which are countered by even more heavily armoured knights, which are countered by pikemen, which are countered by caracoling pistol cavalry, which are countered by musketeers. Which in turn mean there is less pike around than before, which means shock cavalry makes a comeback. Or, in gamer terms, the metagame shifted and the game balanced itself.


A pleasure to paint this cavalry in miniatures...and a pleasure to look at this gorgeous video!


The OG drive by shooting. Honestly Cavalry covered in black armor just riding right in front of, and sticking a pistol in your face is equally terrifying and badass.


I don’t know why most people don’t like the idea of a Knight or a Samurai with a gun. I think it’s awesome how they had adapted to changing tactics.


"direct assault with the lance and sword became increasingly suicidal"
Polish winged hussars : Hold my Piwo


God the art is amazing.Really adds to the experience.


Instantly remembered these guys from Age of Empires III.


this period of warfare is so interesting, in stereotypical depictions there tends to be knights with swords and lances on horses on the "medieval" side, and then armies of infantry with muskets and cloth uniforms supported by artillery on the "modern" side, without much consideration paid to the centuries of warfare that happened in between. but the idea of heavily armored melee battles of the nobility slowly becoming less cost effective, and giving way to mercenaries with ranged weapons is so fascinating. Black-Armored mercenaries with wheelock pistols on horses in particular is an awesome image.


I really love your animation style, it's so much more appealing than the highly polished computing generated style, and slightly goofy (but in a good way). Thanks 👍👍👍


< Come on, men ! We are a heavy company of pikemen and arquebusiers, what could possibly go wrong ? >
[ *Sabaton plays : When the Black Riders arrived* ]
< Ach...


From the description of the Black riders I am reminded how much I love using Outriders as the Empire in Total War Warhamner.


Your videos have so much scholarly depth. I'm amazed again and again. Also they look so nice. Overall, very well done.Please continue giving us more of this.


This is one of the best history channels out there. Top notch animation, top notch research, top notch writing and top notch narration. His accent is a pleasant nuance to the subject matter. Well 👍✌️


I've heard of a fashion at some point where noblemen wore blackened armour to look like a famous band of mercenaries, I guess those were the guys.


Kuerassier was the name of a light tank made by Steyr in Austria in the 1970's.
It carried the then standard 105 mm tank gun, paired with a double drum quick loading system and very (for that time) advanced gun stabilization . Top speed on pavement was 43 mph.


This one was perfect... just as alweys. Perhaps, it's out of your interests, but I would be glad if you make a video or two about ottoman tactics and anti-ottoman tactics including the innovation of Prince Eugene of Savoy.


A fascinating period of history, and this video really helps to illuminate an important innovation in cavalry tactics that helped keep the unit relevant all the way into the 19th Century. Thank you for your work!


Entire Europe: lancers are bad, we shouldn't do that anymore
Poland: You what mate?!
