Kratom withdrawal and getting through it.

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Getting through withdrawal from Kratom and keeping it legal.

Exoman discusses the effects of kratom and how he did not realize this was an addiction. He became unable to breathe. Along with shortness of breath, he had chronic restless leg syndrome (RLS) depression, high blood pressure etc.
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Kratom withdrawals are absolutely real. I’m 5 days in no Kratom. Most annoying part is the inability to be able to fall and stay asleep.


I have decided to get off kratom and nicotine since I have a baby on the way, and it is absolutely real. I’ve taken around 30-50 caps a day for 6 1/2 years with no time off and nicotine for the past 13 years no time off as well. It is not easy, it’s not fun, but you will get through it. Go cold turkey, have a reason to stop and once your off, stay off! God bless


i don't know why so many people are hating on what he's saying, most of it is the truth. I have taken kratom for 4 years now and withdrawal is very real. I don't think it should be illegal at all because there are many people that benefit from it and it is a much better alternative than other things. But to deny that it is addictive and say there is no withdrawal is naiive. If you take it every day for a long period of time and don't have withdrawals, that is awesome. But, more than likely, that won't be the case.


This man is telling the truth, I know because it’s happening to me know.


I absolutely loved the pain relief and energy I got from Kratom. I took it for over a year. Over time it took a little more to give me the same feeling. It's been about a week since I quit. I'm still experiencing the withdrawals. Same withdrawal symptoms as I experienced with morphine addiction. I think Kratom has it's place to help people get off of deadly drugs, just be aware of the potential for addiction. God bless and be safe!


I'm on my 7th day off kratom. I used CBD gummies to get over the rough first few days and it worked! I was on kratom for a year and took one 10 gram drink everyday with orange juice. I hated how I was addicted to it and had to drink it everyday just to feel normal. I'll never touch kratom again!


I can relate. Without kratom, I can hardly sleep, waking up cold sweating and twitching. It is very important to ween off or use sparingly, otherwise tolerance builds up, side effects creep in and then it gets horrible. At least for me.


I’m on day 4 of going CT off kratom. I took it for 4 years and it really helped my anxiety and I really didn’t think about withdrawals if and when I would stop taking it. But I haven’t slept in 3 nights, I toss and turn and have depression along with the usual physical symptoms. I just want to put kratom behind me. Although I believe it did help me stop drinking and smoking either way I don’t want to depend on something


I'm not exactly sure but from all that I've read Kratom seems much less dangerous than taking mega doses of otc loperamide hcl (Imodium) for weening off opiates/opioids. I'm an ol' timer born in the 60's with nearly a lifetime Love/Hate relation with Papaver Somniferums' derivatives and I Fully relate to the Pro-Kratom Community for being upset with the DEA. I also understand and recognize that some people like yourself are going to suffer adverse reactions. It's crazy that alcohol is responsible for so much destruction and death but the DEA will never ban that particular drug...


I've been trying to taper for months now. Admittedly, I let my intake get extremely out of hand. At it's worst, I was taking almost 80g per day (16gx5). Now I'm down to less than half, but it feels like a never ending road. If I could, I would absolutely just stay in the house and drink water while I sweat it out, but I have a full time job and am the sole supporter of my wife and three kids. Missing work is not an option, and working under those conditions isn't either. I have to unfortunately taper very slowly so I can keep functioning. Hoping I can be off of it by the end of the year. Cheers for posting this, the "community" can get pretty vicious.


I had a very similar experience. I was using it everyday though, at much higher doses. The withdrawal was absolute hell. People will understand soon enough that this is NOT a harmless substance. It too has withdrawal and addictive properties.


3rd day cold turkey off of Kratom. I needed to see this. Thanks for posting


People online who spread false information about how addictive kratom is are very dangerous. If it takes away withdrawals of course it will be addictive. I'm now addicted to this stuff because so many people told me it's like quitting coffee. I understand people want it to stay legal, but lying about it is not going to help because the truth will eventually come out. There's people in rehab and detox from using kratom


If you "forgot" to take it, you were not addicted to it.


UPDATE AND COMMENTS: First let me say, and I can not stress this enough: In every regard, the human condition is quite variable!!!! The way your mind and body react to any given substance; the way your mind and body react when quitting and detoxing from substances; the length of time involved in detox; the efficacy of various support substances like CBD, herbs, medicines, etc. ALL ARE AS DIFFERENT AS THE PEOPLE EXPERIENCING THEM!
This video is now five years old and it is interesting if you look back, you will see many harsh attacks form pro-kratom crowd. Now those seem to have given way to more mea culpas from those same people who are going through their own hell with this dependency or addiction, whatever you like to call it. As for me and my progress and what I now understand, I will say this. I was apparently one of the unlucky and small percentage of those who suffer severe symptoms. Some studies put me in around about 2% or less category of people who have really bad PAWS or Kinda' like some people are very allergic to poison ivy while some can rub it on their face with zero problem. Some can eat a 1 lb can of peanuts and some will die from ingesting 1 peanut.
Now 5 years out, I feel that over this period, my brain has S-L-O-W-L-Y rewired to a somewhat normal state to where, I am breathing much better, the bouts of dyspnea (difficulty breathing- hunger for breath) are rare and the apnea is subsiding to where I have recently begun to be able to sleep on my back again. I understand that the latter will be difficult for some of you to believe was caused by kratom but as soon as I quit, I was immediately afflicted with horrible apnea which has slowly gotten better and better. I was on a machine for a while because I literally would not breath when I finally fell asleep. This is a very deadly condition.
As for the legality of this, I still feel the same. I do not think that the government should be legislating plants this way.
I will take time in the near future to give a more nuanced version (on video) of this odyssey.
Best to you all and to those who have harsh and impatient words for those suffering. Know that the pain that you wish to inflict, comes from YOUR darkness and like a bat from hell, it always comes back to YOU. Just like the love that you give always finds a way back :-)


Kratom took away my severe narcotic medication withdrawals (restless leg syndrome, depression, anxiety, despair, hot and cold flashes, sleeplessness, etc) for 2-3 hours per dose. I would take up to 15 capsules at a time during the worse times. I have never had Kratom withdrawal. I can attest that Kratom was a lifesaver for me! It has never made me high, only feeling "normal". I always used Red Vein Bali.


Kratom is addictive. Of course is it. Just don't use it as a substitute for an opiate you are trying to quit. Use it to get thru the withdrawal. Usually only takes about a week, and then you can stop using it. It takes quite a while to become addicted to it so after a week you can simply stop taking it and you'll be free of opiates. That is what I did. I also use it recreationally sometimes and I measure out the amount. If you abuse it and take 20+ grams a day than yea, you will suffer withdrawal at some point if you want to quit. Any substance if abused is going to bite you. This is common sense.

Use it as a way to get free of opiates, not as a substitute. If you are looking to replace one crutch with another you'll never be free of anything.


Sir, you just made me realize what I’ve been experiencing in fact the same exact symptoms as you! I had no idea it was the Kratom for the last two nights I haven’t slept, RLS, trouble breathing and horrible anxiety! I used it to help me through suboxone withdrawal now I’m having this! It’s horrible n I thought I was crazy thank u for your video now I


I’ve been on Kratom for 16 years.. daily use.. started with a few grams at a time.. maybe like 7-10 grams. I was told a10 gram dose was a large one.. anyway 20 grams a day basically. Then i started using more and more.. and now it’s 20 grams at a minimum per does.. several times a fact I go through a kilo in about 2-3 weeks. My entire life is planned around making sure I have it.. I’ll often wake up in the middle of the night with restless legs and all the other symptoms.. it’s Brutal.. extremely brutal .. and yes all the people who say it’s not addictive.. they are either lying or just don’t know yet..


I'm amazed at the daily doses people are taking. I've been doing 4-6g a day at the most for the past 5 years and anytime I've gone to the 10+g dose I've felt horrible. I'm on day 3 of no kratom and the withdrawal is there but very mild. Thinking small stimulant doses throughout the day is a good game plan to enhance your day and minimize withdrawal and side effects.
