How to Build an Ultimate Adventure Motorcycle?

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In this video, I will give you a few tips on how to build an ultimate adventure motorcycle. It will be like a step-by-step instruction that will help you do it with minimum costs and still receive maximum efficiency! I have to inform you that it is going to be a long video, so if you are here for 5 min advice, sorry, but you have to find something else, to the rest of you grab your favorite drink and stay with me!


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Hey Pavlin you forgot, grab your favorite drink 😂😂


Evening Pavlin, Grabbed my favourite drink and now drunk with common sense.Wise words as always.Amen brother.


Thanks for sharing the secret at the end and reminding about this most important info. To have the necessary mindset is actually an obvious, but a few just forget about it. Some maybe just happy to tune up a stock motorcycle only to give their personal note to it.


my friend. i am 85kg, i have the exact same bike(2022 model) and i have made absolutely no changes to it. only tires when the stock ones melted. i go everywhere, 50% on road 50% off the road and hard trails some times. i never had any problems with the suspension. i am not an experienced motorcyclist not because i dont ride bikes for a lot of years but because i dont care much. anyway the t7 is my first big motorcycle, previously i only rided automatic scooters. i love my motorcycle and i go everywhere i can. for the past 11 months i ride oftenly with my girlfriend and i noticed some problems with the suspension obviously. this is the only reason i will start make changes to my bike. fisrst of all the springs and some luggage oriented changes. its perfect to me the way it is but i am sure that if i change the springs i will see a great difference. thank you for your videos and advices. keep going. greetings from greece. love your country. sofia is a greek church and the city's name is greek thats the truth, so im sure you love my country too.


Wise words Pavlin.
I used to race motorcycles and the one thing that made a huge difference in lap times was suspension. Get it right and the motorcycle is safe and smooth.


Lovely Content...thanks for making an effort to create this useful video my friend...


Fantastic video! Appreciate the honesty and practicality you use!
Thanks so much.


Habe meine neue Tenere heute beim Händler abgeholt! 😊Danke!
Für bisschen Benzin. 😊 LG Micha


I am from India and am waiting for the new Him 450 to get tubeless spoke rims. Only reason s changing tubes in remote himalayan regions is very difficult and not to waste time as time is limited in those regions and also that reduces the weight by quite a margin (tubes, tools to remove tyre, tube etc). With tubeless rims I can reduce my luggage to a mazimum of 10kgs. 40 ps power is more than enough for me on our roads. Don't need more power and dont need to brag in front of anyone that I have a big bike.


Pavlin, it's been a while since I last commented here.
This video was a wonderful review of the basics.
I sold my GTR 1400 Kawasaki a few years ago,
but still enjoy riding along on your videos. Thank you and Cheers, Mate.


My $2k, 1999 Suzuki XF650 is proof that you don’t need to have all of the accessories to enjoy an adventure.
I did a 4 day trip recently with mates on triumph and ktm 800’s.
Only 2 of us completed the trip, and I was one of them.
I might have been a bit slower sometimes but I always got there and had as much fun as the others.
Keep the shiny side up guys 😎🦘🍻


Thanks good points. I bought some canvas pannier bags and a couple of simple support bars, total weight less than 1 kg and carry around 6 kg of luggage for 2 people for my trips. We haven't needed anything else, but this is in Thailand, so no cold weather gear and lightweight rain gear. I am 72 years old and don't want a heavy bike.


Good vid Pavlin. Travel light. Only take what you use. Get the suspension set to your size and bar/peg to your reach/heigth. Just go. Do it, do it today, right now. You'll be glad you did. It is what it is not what you try to make it. Let life come to you. Don't try to outlive it. Be safe. Next time Pavlin


Makes sense to me very good my philosophy is get out and ride when it breaks change it.


Just when nothing on youtube seems entertaining, suddenly, good ol' Pav's latest pops up. Ha, ha. You talk great mate with good honest content.


Bonjour Pavlin ! I'm now riding with your tips, i'm not an influencable man but you are full of logical. And do not change your accent i love it ! Friendly from France !


Thankyou. Valuable info as Always . Safe adventure my friend. I am still planning my future adventures . 😊


I love your videos . After been out of motorcycling for 20 years and without a bike license I got a piaggio MP3 400 have it 1 year and have 12, 000 km on it . I’m driving true the Black Forest then to Switzerland from Ireland right now and it’s been amazing. I will apply for my test and get back on 2 wheels but it’s not affecting my current journey in any way. When I parked in chamonix France 2 German guys on BMWs nearly passed out when they saw my Irish plate . Keep up the great work.


Thank you for the video man. Nice to see an eye opener in the ADV world like this. Everyone thinks they can enduro a 400kg bike but you dont need everything. Just like when you talked about ergonomics.
I have a 1988 Aprilia tuareg ETX 50cc (16 y/o licence) with a small rally screen and old seat and it sits really comfortable and wind is no problem… no need for me to upgrade anything. Only added lightbar and a luggage bag :)

Greetings from 🇳🇱🇷🇸


Hi Pavlin and thank you!
Im watching this while im on a 10000km trip through the Baltics and Scandinavia on my old 1100GS. I couldn't agree more with what you said. Especially with GS guys are getting completely overboard with accessories making an already very heavy bike even heavier.
Most mods and accessories are just a cash grab. Good tires, good suspension and good ergonomics... thats all you really need!
