When Mufti Menk Went Through His Divorce

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I was never married before but Allah gave me a choice to marry a divorced woman... and i tell you all, , , , she is amazing Masha Allah... i get to learn from her everyday... Alhumdulillah we are one happy couple... this coming October is our 2nd anniversary insha Allah...


I am 27 and currently suffering from every corner of life.. Please make dua for me. May allah make it easy for all of us.


Love ”Divorce is not the end of the world, it might be the beginning of a new life.”


My both parents are suffering from a medical poblem..
I am their only son still doing my studies..
Can u plz pray for them😟


The fact that it happened to someone as good-hearted and pious as Brother Mufti Menk is proof that it can happen to anyone. May Allah ease all his troubles and grant him Jannatul Firdous. Ameen.


I was raised Christian and for some reason, this guy is preaching better than any priest I have ever witnessed in church :D kind of a sad thing! I am saying this without researching who he is and what he is about! I have only watched some of his preachings and he seems like a genuine Muslim that only wants the best for the people!


My ex husband took me everything, my heart, my health, my hapiness...I try to recover day after day....it's painful anyway I say Alhamdulilah because I would not be the woman that I am today .- close to Allah


For no fault of mine my husband cheated on me and made me and my son homeless. He took away all our belongings. At that time my mother had passed away and my son was only 2.5 years old. I cried and cried. As Mufti Menk says that was not the end. I use to read Qur'an and ask help with Almighty. Allah knows when what has to be done. Now if I turn back I laugh at myself. Why did I cry for the person who was not meant for me. Alhamdulillah myself and my son are happy at present.


If u r divorced men, please go marry a divorced woman. Don’t go marry young woman who never married before. Because divorced women have more difficulty finding a man than divorced men finding a woman.


I was raised Christian I was in a horrible DV relationship. I survived by the grace of GOD. I thought I would never be loved by a real man. One day I met a Muslim man. He taught me I am a valuable person. Allah brought him to me. Allah has a purpose for all of us. As long as we are open to receive.


This man speaks truth and wisdom. He heals my hurts and has moved me closer to God. Thank you and stay healthy from Iowa.


I went through a very bad divorce at 24, after just 6 months of a horrifying Marriage where he abused me financially, emotionally, mentally and mostly physically, he also stole all of my possession and money. But Im still so grateful he didn't take my life. I can be completely my Allahs now. May Allah protect us all from such animals in our societies


Before my divorce i was living a life of sin, drinking, drugs, partying and gambling. Now i refrain from sin, practice islam more, i feel happier, healthier, earn alot more money, have many more friends, travel more and engaged to a beautiful muslim woman. Divorce was a remedy for my life - its always seen as a negative - it was the best lesson allah has given me. For anyone thinking its the end of the world, it really can be the start of your better life. May Allah grant us all a better life


not even a muslim, but I can listen to this dude and still find it advisable and in a peaceful manner that is in a total contradictory to the western ideals/tradition/culture/etc that I have been schooled with in my up-bringing. My Fiancé is a Muslim though, so am on the path to learning and to convert.


Assalam Alaikum warahamathullahi wabarakathu
My dear sisters & brothers
I'm converted Muslim. Also my husband. Pls make lot of dua for our parents may ALLAH give them to hidayath.
Even my husband has a accident. Now he can't work like before. His leg is the problem. He can't do sujood. Pls make dua for him also.

InshaAllah ALLAH will accept those your duas


This guy experienced pain and used it to heal others. That’s what makes him a good human.


I went through a divorce recently.. tried my best to keep the boat going and I'm financially stable paying everything, loving husband never hurt her, taking her to travel vacations every year.. and yet divorce can happen by the silliest things that you can't even imagine.. I never cheated and I don't even smoke or drink, I'm only missing my 3yrs old daughter now it breaks my heart even more because I named her after my mother she passed away 1.5yr ago but alhamdulillah now and always I'm recovering slowly.. make dua for me please🤲


I love the message of this man of Allah .
Fine am not a Muslim but May Allah bless you


*" A day will come when you will have the last laugh and always as they say, he who laughs last, laughs the best "* Ma Sha Allah💖💖💖💯


Im divorced, hve 2 grown kids, and in my 50s, still looking for my soulmate... Thank you brother, appreciate your encouraging words....!! Alhamdulillah.
