The Story of Our Miracle Baby

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I am 5 weeks pregnant with my first ❤️❤️ if everyone could keep me and my baby in your prayers as I’ve had a hectic medical history, but I know God is faithful !!!


7 years of waiting, doctors told us we will probably not get pregnant ever on our own. We did not want to go to IVF, ICSI, In Vitro. After our 7th marriage anniversary we realised we will have the baby. We have these early morning Mass in preparation to Christmas and in one if them this girl read a verse where God was telling Sara she will get pregnant and I could feel God was speaking to me. Few days after we found out about the baby. The baby is now 4 months old. God is faithfull. We already were thinking about adoption and still are. Wishing you all the best and an healthy baby and an easy delivery.


Congratulations on your 5th baby. Can’t believe I was here since Alethea So so happy for you. Jireh is looking down - protecting you and your bubba 🥹


My pregnancy after my miscarriage was the hardest pregnancy. So much more difficult, more symptoms, a lot of illnesses. But it did teach me to surrender. I was constantly rebuking fear and anxiety. And then God answered my prayers and I had my dream birth. He always redeems


I’m so so happy for you Milena. It reminds me of the verse in Isaiah 66:9
“I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born.”
We lost our 5th baby in August and I fell pregnant again in October and lost that baby in November. Those thoughts are going through my head now. Believing and trusting the Lord in his goodness and praying for a double rainbow baby next year. Also praying for a content heart if he chooses to say no 🤎


I had a miscarriage last year. It was such a powerful testimony! My father in love was dying of cancer when i found out we were expecting.
The whole time he fought cancer he prayed to live so he could see his grandchilden grow, and the influence he would have on them. Well, he took his last breath, and two weeks late i found out the baby had left this world with him at the same time. The Lord gave me the gift of send him home to be with Jesus with his grandchild. And i look forward to seeing them both again on the other side.

Wow, made me cry to write this. I hope it encourages someone. I love and miss them both so much. But we did have a baby girl 6 months ago. She is our miracle. The birth was so dangerous. But the Lord walked into the room and got her out of me safely.. despite no one in the room being able to help me. He is so fauthful! Praise Jesus!


Ive noticed that women who’ve dealt with infertility or common pregnancy related issues - have the most children, because they realized how much of a blessing it is to carry healthy children 🥺🙏


I'm 35 weeks with my 2nd!! And the baby is due around the same time i was having a 10 week miscarriage earlier this year... On my birthday ❤️❤️❤️
God is so redemptive, awesome, powerful, and perfect!!!!


I’m pregnant with my second, but my first is in heaven. He or she was an early loss and it took us awhile to get everything figured out so we could have children. One of things I kept telling myself during all of that was “I will not allow this to make me stop believing in God.” And now I am 19 weeks pregnant. Baby girl is kicking and moving. I feel so blessed to feel her movements.


I am currently 30 weeks pregnant with identical twin boys. I’m a first time mom, and it’s definitely been nerve racking, having a high risk pregnancy. Surrendering is a constant process.


This gives me immense hope for my next pregnancy, wow. This is amazing, our God is amazing. Thank you for sharing hope ❤


I hope you read this! I usually don’t comment but I’ve been watching you since I was 16! And I am now 21 and have married grown TREMENDOUSLY in my walk with God. I have went through two miscarriages now and we are praying for our miracle to come and stay with us. Watching your videos has shown me so much inspiration and given me so much wisdom. You are an amazing momma! I’m so happy for your Rainbow baby.💕 Prayers for you and your family to Continue to grow ! I remember when Aletheia was just born and it seems like yesterday. So proud of y’all I feel like you are a personal friend of mine through these years.


We were pregnant at the same time when you had ur 3rd I was having my 1st, we both miscarried at the same time, ur videos got me through a lot truly. Praise god! I just had my second baby a week ago and my God is so so so faithful.


Exact same scenario happened to me! My second pregnancy ended in miscarriage. A little while later I was pregnant again and start bleeding profusely. I sobbed thinking I was miscarrying again only to find out through ultrasound that my baby girl was perfectly healthy. The source of the blood was due to a sub chorionic hematoma. Baby girl is almost 2 now and has been the perfect addition to our family ❤


I’m 14 weeks with our rainbow baby after a loss two years ago. It took a long time for us to grieve and try again to expand our family. I had a subchorionic hemorrhage for the entire first trimester, and it was so incredibly scary. Last doctors appointment they confirmed it has dissolved, but my anxiety hasn’t left the building yet.

I’m trying so hard to be positive, but at this point I can’t feel movement yet, and I won’t see a doctor until nearly the end of January. Praying to get some relief soon and feel those tiny baby kicks ❤️


I am currently going through my second miscarriage & this one is after having a successful birth last year. So many emotions & questions but this video has given me hope that I will carry full term for my next pregnancy & to cling onto Gods word. Thank you for sharing your story. God bless!


Surrender was also my word for the year and we lost a baby in January. Just gave birth to our rainbow baby girl 11 days ago ❤️


You and I both miscarried around the same time. It took us quite a bit longer to get pregnant again, but I am currently 12 weeks pregnant with a baby boy💙 congratulations to you and your family


This is beautiful to listen to.
I miscarried for the first time in September (was my 4th pregnancy) and we have been ready for another pregnancy for the last 2 cycles.
The devil keeps pushing me to be anxious and untrusting that God will allow me to be pregnant when He is ready.
You saying that you surrendered to the Lord helped me refocus.
Last month i took 30 tests in the 2 weeks leading up to my period and I KNEW that was not trusting of the LOrd and just not healthy. This month, I'm 5 days away from my period and I'm struggling with not feeling anxious about the potential of pregnancy.
I took 4 tests yesterday, which wasn't ok, and I allowed myself one this morning but I am promising God that I will wait till the morning of my due period to test again.
If anyone sees this, please be praying for me that God will allow me to carry another baby and that I will trust in Him even if it doesn't happen.


Pregnant after our loss of our twins in April. Totally understand the blessing that every little movement or uncomfortable thing is! Praying for you all!
