Every ROB Attack RANKED

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R.O.B. isn’t just good, he’s one the best in Smash Ultimate. You could scour his entire kit for flaws, and well, yeah there’s a few lackluster parts, but nearly the entire rest of his design is nothing but high octane rocket fuel. That’s not even touching on the parts of his kit that transcend even that to become some of the most powerful options in the entire game. Come with me and I explore and rank every move in ROB’s moveset, as well as breaking down the core applications and traits. This video also doubles as a ROB guide, touching on how these moves interact and work to make his kit come together into something more than the sum of its parts.

Special thanks to the ROB and Side B Discords for their help!!

Script Consultant/Clip Contributor - Zackziggyboy
Clip Contributor - summitsun
Clip Contributor - Kaizen
Clip Contributor - Loganchovie

Music used (in order):

0:45 - D Tier
3:07 - C Tier
4:45 - B Tier
9:52 - A Tier
17:47 - S Tier
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Another couple things that make gyro so busted:

If you leave it on stage and stand by it, the spinning hitbox poses a threat to safely spaced aerials on your shield. You can cover their drift away and combo out of it should they challenge be daring enough to fall onto it. This same application can serve as a bait for them to go and pick gyro up themselves, which also presents a punish opportunity.

It can also be used as a dissuasive tool in the case that you don’t even use it to hit them in a very similar manner as I listed above. You shoot a gyro and leave it on the floor, the floor is no longer safe. You can anti-air them for moving around and respecting gyro’s noncommittal and lingering hitbox.

Lastly, it buffs his out-of-shield like crazy! Zdrop out of shield is active on frame 4, which is nutty in and of itself because it is a combo starter with zero-to-death capabilities (see my clip in this video during gyro section) but the application of down toss, AND ftoss out of shield are also pretty great considering both of them outspeed up smash and fair. Not only can they not hit your shield safely while you have gyro in-hand, but if they fade back too far and or land with a committal option, they get punished even from out of their own range fairly consistently.

I’m happy to have aided in the script and love the content you make Glyph! The production value is killer and I am so happy to see the character getting the love it deserves in a more comprehensive style. Keep it up!


0:51 "First clip of the video is me getting the best of Gmoney? He loves me!"
27:05 "Oooookay should have seen that coming"
27:54 "Alright back to being friends again"


Keep it on King!, you make me proud for being a R.O.B. Main, the best youtuber one day the algorithym light will point at you!!


Rob is a zoner, swordie, ressource, item, trappler, gappler, combo, recovery and 0-death character. Even hit and run or rush down works. I think ROB is the highest one in the tier list. Steve is a ressource character and makes him very predictable. My personal opinion. ROB as mix-up character allows him to almost compete every one on our raster, just falco is a bit complicated to play.


One of my favorite things about R.O.B. is how brilliant his kit is, especially Robo Burner. That recovery alone allows him to create a philosophy: "If there's a spike, R.O.B. has survived it before." Heck, I'm a believer that R.O.B. is easy enough for anyone to pick up, but has a whole lotta techs that make him hard to master.

Also glad to see the callbacks to how wack the Operating Buddy was back in Brawl, and how those flaws later became his greatest strengths.


This is Izaw level quality
Stay on the grind man!


This is super well made, I can’t believe I didn’t find it before now.


This man is my and every other R.O.B main's dream.



Holy crap you fought my friend! Ihadurca! That tag is far too unique to question it. He's a very good Samus player, and he's EXTREMELY good at mashing so it's extremely funny to happen to see him there!


4:21 wait who the hell what does this mewtwo want from me


Probably one of the most well done videos I have ever seen when it comes to a character's toolkit. I didn't agree with everything but the time and effort put in was amazing.


Holy Geez you probably have the best editing I've ever seen in smash youtube. You just gained a sub


This video is so well-made!!! Enjoyed every second of it! Make sure to keep the pace going and I'm sure you'll blow up! Makes me proud to have a R.O.B. secondary. :D


Nice video, I personally enjoy watching and fighting ROB and learning more about the utility of his moveset lets me understand a lot more about him to improve my situational awareness during gameplay and spectating :)

P.S. tbh I think you kind of overblow how good some of his moves are (maybe I've just been hardened by how many times I've had to play vs good ROBs) but at least your sheer enthusiasm isn't boring lol


Extremely informative and well-researched, and great visuals to accompany it all! This video is pretty much perfect.


When you can't combo because of your "stupid fingers"


Really blowing my mind here, ROB is hype as hell


I used to hate fighting R.O.B., but now... I still hate it but I understand it. And for that I am eternally grateful. Keep making great videos!


R.O.B. is the most buttons heavy projectile user, definitely my favorite to play. Great video my man, keep it up!


The fact that his second worst move is jab, a “pure function” move as put in the video, with no downsides other than the fact that there are better moves, just shows how good this character is.
