「 Gacha Story 」Stereo Love ( Last goodbye ) By : Yu

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I love the fact that Lucifer and learned that what she was doing is wrong and decided to let go, stoping this kind of toxic relationship.


the fact that Lucifer realized what she was doing is wrong, willingly to give up the relationship between them just to free him and Hanzo hesitates to break up because of his undying love for Lucifer is truely just sad and heartbreaking... Even though Lucifer did the right thing, I still feel bad for the both of them... Hope that they could find someone better. You portrayed this very nicely and in my opinion, realistic too. The tweening and edit is amazing. I have no words, incredible job! Also, please take a rest after this, you deserve it. <3


Imagine how long it took to develop a talent like this


So Lucifer basically used the relationship in order to get Hanzo to do what she liked, but she eventually developed feelings for him and they became so strong that she couldn't keep the pretence anymore because it was becoming as real to her as it was to Hanzo for years.
I really like that Lucifer broke up with Hanzo because she doesn't want him suffering because of her rather than because she's sick of him - she actually cares for him.
Also, really nice character development. Your stories are unique and they're also really well done.


this can happen in real life, often as a person is hurt by someone they love, they will gradually grow closed off and wary of others who love them :')


This is just amazing I feel so bad for both of them knowing they probably won't comeback together


their relationship was personally my favourite <33
their personalities compliment each others perfectly, so good job developing it !!
hanzo's undying love for lucifer makes it hard for him to let her go, and lucifer's overwhelming love for hanzo is so strong she's willing to give him up...
i'm crying ugly tears right now...
well, even if it's probably not going to happen, i'll be rooting for them :DD
great job on this, you never fail to amaze us !!


As someone who has parent's that have a very toxic relationship, this is super realistic! Abusers usually start off innocent, but their manipulativeness starts to grow over time. It's either that it gets really messy, or the abuser or victim realizes that this is wrong and ends it for good. I'm so proud that Lucifer realized all the wrong things she's done and decided to let go of Hanzo. She did something that a lot of adults 2 times her age can't do :). aNyWaYs I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS AND STORYWRITING SKILLS


that 1:24 had a tear in my eye, you are such an amazing creator, your videos make my day everyday, thx for being awesome!


crying in tears another masterpiece from Yuzy


Basically Lucifer wanted Hanzo to learn to defend for himself after meeting him beaten up in an alley, she used their relationship to her advantage in teaching him about her morals on self defense and violence. She used herself as an ideal person to teach Hanzo since he loved her and wanted him to protect her, also as an ideal example so he knows to protect himself and others too, but she realized after 10 years of their relationship that she was genuinely developing feelings for him. She realizes that she must stop the relationship, let him go, & how toxic their relationship was and how it was affecting Hanzo in a bad way too. Because of how Hanzo had gotten so used to the fact of being lectured and being used by her that she realizes she really made a big mistake. So then, she ends their relationship to let him go and be free. So he can live in his own way and be himself. Even she was heartbroken in the end because she loved him too, I honestly feel like if ever they really were destined to be together...I really wish that once they grow older and develop more as a person. Maybe they'll meet again? But I doubt it.

1:05 Also, she knew how much impact her scoldings and teachings affected him and changed him completely. So what he said really says a lot by how much change he went through.


I was so surprised when i saw this because even though i do know it was a very toxic relationship and what happened was probably for the best, i still am stunned and didn't expect this so soon. There probably won't be a comeback of these two for a while but i still love this. You have a lot of talent 💕


This was honestly my favorite couple and it pained me when they broke up. At the start she was using him but she started growing feelings 😭😭😭✨🙏. I hope they make up and possibly try it again for real. I wanted to cry


Well, my thoughts have passed, now I can think more easily... I guess? Whatever, Your videos are great and I love your work so much, you put in a lot of effort. And to do this while fighting laziness...
Obviously I'm only subscribed to 3 Gacha channels, but you're the only channel I waiting for a video. I love your characters, your designs and especially your original scripts, and I'm even more surprised that you put a lot of effort and animation into editing the video, even though you're trying so hard for them. You get paid for your labor, but I think you deserve more, these likes and views are nothing of your videos labor. I hope those two characters haven't really broken up, because they're among my favorite couples, I want to keep thinking about you did just for the video. Thank you to everyone who reads it, you may think of it as a waste of time reading this, but I have expressed my thoughts and I want to see this to make everyone realize how much work this girl has put in.


This was a little bit sad but I'm glad that Lucifer understood her mistake and wanted Hanzo to be free and not on her control! Your stories are really unique Yuzy and for sure to make this video it must have took you a lot of time! Thank you for making my day!


And Their story 😭😭 Lucifer is my Queen LMAO


I don't want them to break up...I know it's for their own good but it still hurt seeing them like this..


Its so sad to see them like this😭💔 but we can all say that this video is a masterpiece<333


I think this story is really good. I liked that Lucifer tried to break off their relationship because she realized that it was really toxic. But judging from Hanzo's perspective, he's gonna really blame himself and ask if there was something wrong with him or something idk. For me I think that it would have been better to communicate with each other and then break it off you know? But I think that's just how Lucifer handles the situation.

Welp to finish this off, I really enjoyed the video and thank you for the hardwork!!


Oml this is genuinely beautiful. The song goes along with the storyline perfectly in my opinion
