Farage: EU Now Run by Big Business, Big Banks and Big Bureaucrats

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• European Parliament, Strasbourg, 15 January 2014

• Debate: Programme of activities of the Greek Presidency
Council and Commission statements


Well I have to congratulate you, Mr Samaras, for getting the Greek presidency off to such a cracking start. Your overnight successful negotiation in the trilogue on MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive), I'm sure we'll have them dancing in the streets in Athens, no matter that your country, very poorly advised by Goldman Sachs, joined a currency that it was never suited to, no matter that 30% are unemployed, that 60% of youth are unemployed, that a neo-nazi party is on the march, that there was a terrorist attack on the German embassy.

No don't worry about all that because the trilogue on MiFID has been a success. And, in many ways, it sums up the two Europe's: the Europe that's talked about in here by the dreamers who want to impose a new United States of Europe with an identity and a currency, and the real world out there.

And you come here Mr Samaras and you tell us that you represent the sovereign will of the Greek people? Well, I'm sorry, but you're not in charge of Greece, and I suggest you rename and rebrand your party - it's called 'New Democracy', I suggest you call it 'No Democracy'.
Because Greece is now under foreign control. You can't make any decisions, you've been bailed out, and you've surrendered democracy, the thing your country invented in the first place.

And you can't admit that joining the euro was a mistake - of course Mr Papandreou did that didn't he, he even said there should be a referendum in Greece and within 48 hours, the unholy trinity (troika) that now run this European Union had him removed and replaced by a ex-Goldman Sachs employee puppet.

We are run now by big business, big banks and in the shape of Mr Barroso, big bureaucrats.

And actually that's what these European Elections are really going to be all about. It's going to be a battle of national democracy versus EU State bureaucracy.

Whatever you may say in this chamber, the people out there don't want a United States of Europe, they want a Europe of sovereign states, trading and working together.

And I believe the European elections are going to mark a watershed. Up until now everybody has thought, much as they may not like, the development of the European Union, that it was inevitable. That myth of inevitability will be shattered by the European elections this year.

Video source: EbS (European Parliament)

• EU Member States:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom
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thanks a lot Mr Farage for your speach....a Greek


This will be a huge NO on EU Zionism! And you better respect that EU politicians, you just simply work for us the common people..period.


Goldman Sachs: founded by Marcus Goldman and Samuel Sachs. Now led by Lloyd C. Blankfein and Gary D. Cohn.
Jewish, Jewish, Jewish and Jewish.


Power to all the good people i hope you wake up and stand up for a big change in this sick world.. One living planet be sure that no one with a sick mind rules it.


Mr Farage is going to be the saviour of the UK.


Well said Nigel! Let's end this monstrosity called EU!


Nigel, you are the man! Keep it up, sir. I love watching those scum bags squirm when they get the light shined on them. Great job, Nigel!  And thank you Europarl for getting this man on YouTube.-Peace, Bro.


thank you nigel for speaking up for us!


The are ''Spartans''.But there's also a big number of ''Efialtes'' aka traitors, mostly capitalists and politicians.


Love Nigel Farage. A man that actually cares for our country and not afraid to tell it like it is. I know who i'm voting for come the elections. And i know many others who are too.


All Brits not voting on UKIP:
What the fuck are you doing?


Μια Φορα Προδότης..! Παντα Προδότης!!! . Αυτος ειναι ο Σαμαρας ΠΡΟΔΟΤΗΣ 


we will be the last to laugh and it will be soon.


You need fire extinguishers; to go in Parliament behind a Nigel Farage speech..


Farage preaching to the unconvertible.


United Kingdom congrats on your new PM. Fuck we need a guy like this in USA


This is exactly why there is a movement to control access to information on the Internet.


Where is the music that used to be played at the start of these videos gone? It set the scene and I liked it.


How convenient. A voice from within the parliament just legalizes it, and makes
them seem democratic for having such opposition inside.
Truth is, that apart from these nice speeches, the european parliament has no power at all in real life, and making such a "strong" and outspoken man the sole recognizable leader of the european opposition, seems very convenient as the  amount of probable influence in the end, is capped.


Unfortunately, the words of the British politician Nigel Farage, in a speech in the European Parliament, appear to be verified creepily: “Poor Greece, trapped inside the economic prison of the euro. Poor Greece, trapped inside the modern day Völkerkerker for which it appears there is no way out...”.
