Bricks Builder - Blob SVG Background with Images masked with the same shape

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While watching one of Kevin Geary's Websites for Dommies YT Lives he critiqued a site using images with blob shapes in the background.
The question was "Could this be done with CSS to give better flexibility?"
This video shows what I came up with as an answer to that question. Yes, it can be done.
[EDIT] : 23:45 CSS around the wrong way, should be - cursor: pointer; :)
00:00 Introduction
01:35 BAsic structure with Bricks Builder
04:35 Creating the Blob shape with Blobmaker
05:24 Editing blob SVG in Illustrator
09:00 Creating the SVG Mask from the first Blob
13:45 Applying SVG Blob as background
14:20 CSS Styles and placement
17:09 Masking the "figure"
18:31 Solving the SVG vertical offset
20:55 CSS to change the Blob color as needed
23:55 Animating the image while retaining the mask
27:00 Boxing what has been done so far, so we can style with padding and other elements
28:54 Afterthought, resizing the img to make more of blob left and right visible.
The question was "Could this be done with CSS to give better flexibility?"
This video shows what I came up with as an answer to that question. Yes, it can be done.
[EDIT] : 23:45 CSS around the wrong way, should be - cursor: pointer; :)
00:00 Introduction
01:35 BAsic structure with Bricks Builder
04:35 Creating the Blob shape with Blobmaker
05:24 Editing blob SVG in Illustrator
09:00 Creating the SVG Mask from the first Blob
13:45 Applying SVG Blob as background
14:20 CSS Styles and placement
17:09 Masking the "figure"
18:31 Solving the SVG vertical offset
20:55 CSS to change the Blob color as needed
23:55 Animating the image while retaining the mask
27:00 Boxing what has been done so far, so we can style with padding and other elements
28:54 Afterthought, resizing the img to make more of blob left and right visible.
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