Чудеса Иисуса Христа. Исцеление глухонемого(Декаполь).Miracles of Jesus Christ.Healing the Deaf Mute
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Выйдя из пределов Тирских и Сидонских, Иисус опять пошёл к морю Галилейскому через пределы Десятиградия. Привели к Нему глухого косноязычного и просили Его возложить на него руку. Иисус, отведя его в сторону от народа, вложил персты Свои в уши ему и, плюнув, коснулся языка его; и, воззрев на небо, вздохнул и сказал ему: «еффафа», то есть: отверзись. И тотчас отверзся у него слух и разрешились узы его языка, и стал говорить чисто. И повелел им не сказывать никому. Но сколько Он ни запрещал им, они ещё более разглашали. И чрезвычайно дивились, и говорили: все хорошо делает, — и глухих делает слышащими, и немых — говорящими.
Coming from the limits of the Tire and Sidon, Jesus again went to the Sea of Galilee through the limits of Decapolis. They brought a deaf tongue to him and asked Him to lay their hands on him. Jesus, taking him away from the people, put his fingers in his ears and, spitting, touched his tongue; and, looking up to heaven, sighed and said to him: "effaffah," that is: open. And immediately his ears were opened, and the bonds of his tongue were loosed, and he spoke cleanly. And he commanded them not to tell anyone. But how much He forbade them, they even more revealed. And they were extremely amazed, and said: everything is doing well, - and makes the deaf hear, and the dumb - speak.
Чудеса Иисуса Христа. Исцеление глухонемого(Декаполь)
Miracles of Jesus Christ.Healing the Deaf Mute
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Coming from the limits of the Tire and Sidon, Jesus again went to the Sea of Galilee through the limits of Decapolis. They brought a deaf tongue to him and asked Him to lay their hands on him. Jesus, taking him away from the people, put his fingers in his ears and, spitting, touched his tongue; and, looking up to heaven, sighed and said to him: "effaffah," that is: open. And immediately his ears were opened, and the bonds of his tongue were loosed, and he spoke cleanly. And he commanded them not to tell anyone. But how much He forbade them, they even more revealed. And they were extremely amazed, and said: everything is doing well, - and makes the deaf hear, and the dumb - speak.
Чудеса Иисуса Христа. Исцеление глухонемого(Декаполь)
Miracles of Jesus Christ.Healing the Deaf Mute
Пишите в Skype OBEH1956
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