Wife Leaves Husband And Kids To Find A Better Life, Then This Happens.

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This happened to my husband. His first wife left him and their two children when they were one and three years old. He ended up losing his house to foreclosure and he and the kids moved back to his mom's. About four years later we met and I was a widow with a two year old. We raised our children together and it's been thirty five wonderful years. God really is good!


As a 50 year old woman who was abandoned by her mom around 6-7 y.o., this really hit home. Kids needs moms and dads both. To all the strong men trying their best, thank you!!


“A woman who leaves her husband and kids to please herself is not the woman I want to be with.” Pure Evil.


Women like her with no remorse deserves wtf they get, no excuses 💯💯


These two gentlemen are real men, demonstratiing Love through respect and forgiveness.


After another hard day working, at 67 years of age, to support my 2 daughters after Mom took off...this brought me to tears.
It also lifted me up and gave me a little more strength to keep on the Righteous Path. God Bless anyone who is left behind!


As a proud father, I raised my two children from the ages of 13 (daughter) and 8 ( son) after gaining full custody back in 2005. My daughter and I became closer, whereas she wasn't afraid to come and talk to me about personal things. Raising my two children was the best thing that ever happened to me. As they are adults now, we have an even tighter bond.


When a wife leaves her husband, It can be sad, but when a mother leaves her kids, that's an unpardonable sin, and totally unforgivable..


During my 28 year Police career, I personally witnessed this scenario many times. The pain that the departing spouse left behind was always disturbing to me. Never have I ever seen the person who left their family for someone else prosper, unless Domestic Violence was involved. I truly hope that all spouses in this real life situation remember their children.


Two good men meet by fate. God bless these guys.


This happened to me years ago I was devastated thought I couldn't go on we had five children, but then an angel fell from heaven we got married and the sun shines every day now, my belief is never stop believing in your self.


It’s bad enough to abandon your husband but leaving your kids unforgivable


Love the way the father was there for his daughters.


Thank you for this video. As a father, I’m going through this same exact situation, two little girls, and it’s very hard. I wish this was real life but let be honest, most ppl don’t care if she’s married with family or not.


This happened to a friend of mine. His wife talked him into leaving his job so they could move to the other side of the country she she could be closer to her parents.( or something like that) Turns out she had a boyfriend out there. So my pal and his wife and little girl pack up and move there. Not too long after that, the shoe fell. It was all a ruse. Had nothing to do with being closer to her parents. He was absolutely devastated.
He moved back here and raised that little girl. It’s been almost 30 years and I still don’t think he’s really over it. He’ll never be. His wife ended up breaking up with this guy about a year later. And yes, she did ask for forgiveness and a second chance. The answer was no. I still feel sick thinking about that. This video stirred up some emotion for me. HOW could a person do something like this?


I give my top respects to both of those guys, this is the top best stories I’ve heard when it comes to be dealing with a mom abandoning a family or another other parent. I’ll never forget this!


Both of these men are class acts! Loved the message. Thank you.


Wow this episode was very heart felt. The man told him in the end "God is going to bless you" God did bless him at that moment. He's going to give his girls a better life. God bless you Vid Chronicles for doing actual real life situations...


This happened to me, my wife left my 12yr old daughter and I and moved in with someone 2000 miles away after 20 yrs of marriage. I gave her everything and more in life. It messed with my head and really messed up my poor daughter (years of therapy). I hear now she is unhappy again with the new guy mistreating her and she is drinking heavy again. Some people are never happy. Karma I guess?


I've been through this with my brother divorce. She left and didn't want the children. After a couple of years helping him out looking after my boys, they asked me to be their mother. I don't have biological children of my own, I'm their aunt, but I'm honored that they could see a mother in me.
