Marvel drops Jonathan Majors after domestic assault conviction | BBC News

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Emmy-nominated actor Jonathan Majors has been dropped by Marvel Studios after he was convicted of assaulting his then-girlfriend.

On Monday, a jury in New York found that Majors, 34, attacked and harassed British choreographer Grace Jabbari during an argument in March.

Following the verdict, a Marvel spokesperson said the studio would no longer work with the actor.

Majors could face up to a year in prison when sentenced in February.

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she must've really feared for her life while CHASING HIM down empty night time


So ezra miller and Amber heard still not fired but Him. Poor decision by Disney.


Again these headlines are damaging because he wasnt guilty of intentional assault but accidentally due to putting her back in the car to run away. And the taxi driver said she was the agressor so ni wonder he was trying to get away from her.


How is that assault? When you are running away from your victim? This world is backwards…


Surely someone who was ‘attacked’ and in constant ‘fear’ wouldn’t chase that person for three blocks.


so a women attacking a man is okay, but a man defending himself from harm possibly gets a prison sentence LOL and dropped from all movies, the jury must be stupid


So even if you run away your still guilty? damn!


There aren’t lengths the TVA is willing to stoop to stop a variant even if one is innocent


"It is clear that the jury did not believe Grace Jabbari's story of what happened in the SUV because they found that Mr. Majors did not intentionally cause any injuries to her. We are grateful for that, " Chaudhry stated on Monday. "We are disappointed, however, that despite not believing Ms. Jabbari, the jury nevertheless found that Mr. Majors was somehow reckless while she was attacking him." Lol wut he was reckless whilst SHE was attacking him… 😂😂😂


looked like she was attacking him, how many times are women going to get away with provoking behaviour


This is terrible! Men are just supposed to sit there and be attacked without defending themselves? I hope he can appeal. Once in a while jury’s get it wrong! this verdict makes no sense. Come on.


A year for that?!!? wtf. Seen worse down the high street outside pubs on a saturday night.... I feel so bad for him, such a great actor man.


When will *BM* learn that it's dangerous playing in snow⁉️🤔🧐


Jonathan Majors getting fired from Marvel sucks. I liked him as Kang.

It's very dangerous to throw around the word assault. There was clearly no intention to hurt his girlfriend, the jury found him guilty of an accidental injury when lifting her up and trying to get her back in the car. The jury don't believe he hit her or broke her finger or anything whilst she was inside the car.

Witnesses saw no injuries on her in the club, she was clearly drunk before she went back to the flat and could have easily hurt herself before she was found collapsed in her closet wearing different clothes the morning after clubbing.

It's ridiculous for him to lose his career for this.

The man ran away from a toxic ex-girlfriend, who assaulted him in the car, there's photographic proof of his injuries too, she grabbed his phone/property which he took back, and she chased him down the street multiple blocks.

End of the day, they are both as bad as each other, and it's unfair that he could lose his career or work because of something his own girlfriend is guilty of herself. Why isn't she also on trial for assaulting him? It is not fair for men in the legal system, is rigged against them.

The only thing he's guilty of is writing a few nasty texts because the relationship was ending and was clearly toxic, and yet she did the same too... this entire trial is a farce.


Sounds like Johnathan is more the victim in all of this.


The two guilty verdicts for Majors were deemed reckless and non intentional assaults.
BBC can't be bothered reporting that though. One guilty verdict was even a non crime. It was the equivalent of a parking ticket.
Yet Alec Baldwin and Ezra Miller still get plenty of work.


This report doesn't mention that there was video evidence of her using her supposedly injured finger and hugging a person against her supposedly injured ear without showing any sign of discomfort in the hours following the incident. She later returned to their shared room after a night of heavy drinking and passed out into a closet, which is when the defense suggested she injured herself. Majors called 911 when he found her unconscious despite knowing this exact thing would happen. She repeatedly told the police that day that she didn't know how she got her injuries, but the officers encouraged her to press charges against Majors.
He was found "innocent of intentional assault in the third degree and aggravated harassment in the second degree, essentially saying they did not believe Majors went into the situation intending to hurt Jabbari." -npr
I got the above information from the Youtube channel Everything Always, who's been reporting on the trial.


In the slow-motion shot, it does appear at least possible that her head collided with the door frame when he tried to put her back into the car. Since an injury to her head was documented, this could be part of what led to the verdict. They didn't have to prove intent for 3rd-degree assault. Acting in a reckless manner that causes another person injury is all that had to be proven. With no priors, it's doubtful he gets more than probation for such a misdemeanor. When you have a 20-million-dollar contract with Disney that has a moral clause, playing around with crazy women isn't the smartest thing to do. With the conviction, Disney can terminate the contract with zero issues and not owe him another dime.


Stay well clear of women who drink all time


Johnny Depp, Will Smith, Prince Harry and now Jonathan Majors. These last few years have been a lecture on how men can ruin their entire life and career being involved with toxic women.
