Photoshop Tutorial | How to Change Background in Photoshop CS6

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how to change background in photoshop cs6
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For all those of you who are unable to follow what he did in the tutorial
Step1: File->Open->Select image 1
Step2:File->Open->Select image 2
Step 3:Use the Pen tool to select a particular area of the first image
Step4: Right click the mouse button and choose "Make selection"
Step 5: Press Ctrl+J immediately after completing Step 4.This basically selects the portion of the image that you want and
makes the other parts transparent(white checkerboard)
Step 6: Delete the Background layer, this is done by dragging the background layer to the delete icon(bin like icon)
Step7: Go to the second image and press ctrl+A .This is done to select the image.Then press ctrl +C. This is done to copy the image.
Step 8: Go to the first image and press ctrl+v. Now you basically get both the images on the same layer just like how it appears for him at 1:25
Step 9: Now press ctrl + T to resize the image. Make sure the second image is large enough to hold the first image.
Example if the first image is a person and the second image is the picture of the London Bridge, you want to make sure that the second image is larger than the first image.
Step 10: Now drag layer 2 below layer 1 like how he does at 1:44. Tada! Both the images are now merged. If you are happy with how the merged images look, save the image and that's it you're done.
Step 11:If you want to add special effects to the merged images, follow along from 2:06-3:18, it's self explanatory.

PS:Thanks a lot Photoshop Tutorials by Webflippy. This is a very informative video and I loved it. Cheers Pal! Keep uploading more videos like this.


thank you from PH.. Im 3rd year college now and this is my 1st sem major thank you


It helps me lot...thanks dude, now I'm working on my project well


nice video, but this proces for selec the pictures take a lot time to do. But help me alot, thank you for take you time for this video.


thanku so much sir it was my first use of photoshop and i really loved ur tutorial


thank you. most of the youtube teachers do not teach well, but you did pretty well


how can I change the contrast, brightness etc of layer 1 without effecting layer 2 (Background) ?


Thank you. This was most helpful. Completed my project in no time!


How did you got both images on same page ????


how do you remove the holes too? cant seem to figure it out


really cant see how to get 2 layers together, frustrating!


Where is the cast shadow from the subject? The light is behind her.


how do you unlock a layer?? really helpful tutorial by the way.... thanks :-)


Hi how to make bendings in pen tool while pointing on face


Hy BRO!! CAn You MAke Tutorials On Manipulation Change BAckground


when trying to use control j the new layer doesnt come up.. what do i do?


when i use the pen to mark the person, it ends up cutting the background instead of the person. any ideas? and for some reason it doesn't work when i try to use make selection


Can you please provide the video or description with the links you used, either for copyright reasons and to practice with the exact same images..


how to put another tab for reserving pictures to be used?


How can i merge the background and the subject layer?
