Are Cancer & Pisces Compatible? | Zodiac Love Guide

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This is a deeply compatible relationship. Cancer and Pisces are both water signs. In astrology water symbolizes feeling, emotion, imagination, fantasy, a sense that life is magical but lived on a feeling level. So both Pisces and Cancer are looking for the kind of love affair that's splendid, that's spiritual, that's sexual, that's very, very deep. And so they find it in each other.

One of the things that also pulls them together is that Pisces can get needy, needs someone who will be protective and nurturing, which is exactly what Cancer provides. Cancer, in astrology, is the sign of nurturing and of creating a safe and downy nest of comfort on an emotional level and creature comforts, because Cancer is also very good at making money.

So all told, we have a creative, imaginative, spiritual and at the same time very emotionally needful sign of Pisces, who fits in exactly with what a Cancer can provide. On the other side, Cancer needs the devotion and the sense of being in a relationship in which there is a deep spiritual bond, and this is exactly what Pisces can give Cancer. So altogether, they work like bread and jam.
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I'm A Cancer & My Hubby Is A Pisces Married For 26 Years 💏


I'm a Cancer woman and my beautiful sweetheart is a Pisces. He's very spiritual, kind, and loving. I love him and all his qualities.


My dad is a cancer and my mom is a pisces and they've been married and in love for 25 years. 💕


Yeah, I'm a cancer man and my crush is an absolutely gorgeous Pisces female.


Yes it is true.. I am A Cancer and my woman is a Pisces... I Just fell for her without even trying...


Pisces man who fell for a cancer woman.😍😍😍😍


Oh, it’s true, honey. Me and my girlfriend have almost been together a year: I’m a Cancer and she’s a Pisces.


This is scary because its kind of true


My husband is Cancer and I am Pisces, he is my soulmate we have been married a long time.


I am Pisces and my common law of 19 years is Cancer. We are truly soulmates. We know what other is thinking, sniff at same time, say the same things or make identical comments at same time and even dream same subject matter. We are both artistic, creative and spiritual..well, I'm more spiritual but it works great. We are both passionate and compassionate and caring, doing the little things for each other all the time. We work on creative projects together, expanding on each other's ideas. We love being together and really truly enjoy each other's company. I am grateful EVERY day that we found each other after our bad marriages w selfish narcissistic partners ended after 12 & 13 years. We started all over again both bringing two kids each into our relationship and raised all four together. We have stuck together through thick and thin, exes trying to meddle, teenage years etc and only bonded more. I nearly lost my beautiful cancer man this past Easter and I truly felt like half of me was cut off while he was in hospital. He is both manly and gentle/sensitive and I feel safe w him, loved deeply and cherished for the first times in y whole life. I am blessed and forever grateful to share my life, it's ups and downs and the adventures we create. Cancer and Pisces are a truly special connection. I tell him that we mind-meld lol.


As a Cancer male my best friend is a Pisces and no one understands me like her.


I'm a Pisces woman 13th march and I'm with a cancer man 30th June and I never expected to meet my soulmate is like we are made for each other. He knows what I need and he do everything to make me happy I love him so much ❤❤❤❤


I feel like Cancer men go great with Pisces women a Cancer female I found with my personal experience my deepest love connection to be with a Scorpio man.


I agree with that one my grandfather and grandmother were Pisces and cancer signs respectively.
and they were true soulmates happily married for over 40 years until her death in 1972
He never remarried or dated anyone until his death 11 years later.
I am cancerian also and care deeply for a Capricorn male who is two years older than myself.


Yay! Omg this video makes me soooo freking happy. I'm a cancer and my bf is a pisces! I'm soo happy. :-)


Im a pisces woman and my boyfriend is a cancer. He is the best guy in the world. He is kind, loving, respectful and has a soft heart with animals like me.


this video gave me really high hopes. My crush is a Cancer, and I'm Pisces, so I'm hoping that, maybe, just maybe, we can be really good partners 😁💜


I'm a pisces and my bf is a Cancer
(I hope I can stay with him as long I as I can! Wish me luck and i wish luck to all of you!)


I'm a cancer, I just got in a relationship with a pisces man. Hope this is going to work. (It's my first relationship lol😂)


Yep. Very. Sweet sensitive and romantic. Pisces and cancer married for 12 yrs
