RailsConf 2014 - Refactoring Towards Component-based Rails Architectures
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By Stephan Hagemann
You have a big Rails app and are feeling the pains? Stories are hard to deliver, code is hard to refactor, and your tests take a looong time? Getting you and your codebase out of this situation requires you to stop developing a "Rails application" and start refactoring towards your domain. I will discuss how and where you refactor towards a more structured and manageable application, a component-based Rails architecture.
For his day job Stephan is a Pivot - developing software at Pivotal Labs. With every project he especially enjoys the continuous search for doing the right thing, and doing that right. Outside of that he enjoys more work: on his old house or his rock climbing skills.
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You have a big Rails app and are feeling the pains? Stories are hard to deliver, code is hard to refactor, and your tests take a looong time? Getting you and your codebase out of this situation requires you to stop developing a "Rails application" and start refactoring towards your domain. I will discuss how and where you refactor towards a more structured and manageable application, a component-based Rails architecture.
For his day job Stephan is a Pivot - developing software at Pivotal Labs. With every project he especially enjoys the continuous search for doing the right thing, and doing that right. Outside of that he enjoys more work: on his old house or his rock climbing skills.
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