Will I Ever Write More Wheel of Time/How Was I Selected to Finish the WoT?

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Here is the next, in a continuing line of frequently asked questions I get asked a ton, I answer; will I ever write more wheel of time and/or how did the whole Wheel of Time thing happen anyway?

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The metaphor of Brandon being Sam and not Frodo was simply beautiful.


I want to BRAG on myself just a bit.

When I read Mistborn, I actually wrote an Amazon review saying that if anyone could do justice to the ending of WOT, it would be Brandon Sanderson.

In some ways, I thought Mistborn was stronger than Jordan's later books.

After I learned that Brandon was selected to finish the series, I was elated. I printed off a copy of my Amazon review and drove 4 hours to Seattle where Brandon was doing a book signing. When I brought him my copy of Mistborn to sign, I gave him my Amazon review and told him what I had said about him.

He signed my book, "Thank you for your prescience".

A treasure!


Brandon, your finishing The Wheel of Time meant the world to me, and it’s how I discovered you, after Wheel of Time was there when I needed it. Then, you were there when we needed you. Thank you.


I am really sad that you never got to discover the ending of the wheel of time as a fan. But as a fan myself I'm super glad you wrote it.


The wheel of time saved me. I grew up in foster care and group homes. I'm 35 now but I was 15 when I read the first book. I was able to get through those last few years because there was this world I could escape to. It kept me sane in an insane situation. Being able to finish the story really meant everything to me. I laughed and cried and smiled. When I set down the last book I didn't feel the loss I sometimes feel when finishing a series, I felt relieved. Finishing that book felt like I laid to rest that messed up part of my life, in a good way. I got closure that I couldn't get anywhere else. Now my son is reading WoT and wants to be a writer. No series has spanned so much of people's lives as this one. Thank you so much for finishing it and doing it better than I could have hoped.


I'm just shocked that Brandon ''writes half million words books'' Sanderson was at a loss for words. That's how big a moment this was for him


I've heard Brandon tell this story at least ten different times and I'm still watching for some reason


One of my favorite quotes from Jim Butcher: I think Sanderson was the next best thing to crazy to take up The Wheel of Time. It doesn’t matter what he writes, there are going to be fanatic readers who are /furious/ at him. That’s just the simple truth. I loved his answer when I asked him why he did it, though: it amounted to “I loved the story and wanted it to be done right, and I knew that I would.” That’s intensely cool, right there. That’s rock star. When the game’s on the line, winners want the ball.
I’ve had a little experience in working with someone else’s IP, and I’m not in a hurry to repeat it.

EDIT: This was from about a year before the A Memory of Light came out.


I don't think you'll ever read this, but here it goes. I started reading The Wheel of Time about 5 years ago, and I was totally hooked. Then, around October 2015, my 25 years old sister was diagnosed with cancer, and they found 3 tumors in her brain. There wasn't much the doctors could do, so that sucked. The thing is, my sister wanted me to stay with her in the hospital every night, so that's how I finished the series. I read the last 3 books during her final weeks, and she passed on November 18th 2015, and now, after 5 years, I've been thinking about re-reading the whole series... It's hard to even think about it, but honestly I don't really remember much, I just remember that I loved it and that it was just what I needed to get away from a crap situation.
Obviously, after reading The Wheel of Time, I had to start reading your books, and that's when you became my favorite author. I recommended your books to my girlfriend, and you've become her favorite too. Also, I convinced my aunt to read Mistborn, she loved it and asked for more books hahaha.
Thanks for being such an amazing author, and for helping me get through such a painful moment of my life. I've loved every single page you've written.


"GRRM, at this recording, was still not done with ASOIAF"
And when you are reading this comment (not only at the time I am writing it), he is still not done.


"I'd like the ending please"
What a power play


The Brandon Sanderson schedule for success:

12pm: wake up
1-5pm: write
5-10pm: family time
10pm-2am: write
2-4am: gaming/hobbies
4am-12pm: sleep

God I wish this were my schedule


Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong. - Mordin Solus


I was emotional when Jordan passed. And I'm even more emotional when I think about how it's finished. I remember when Robert first announced his disease he said the WoT will be finished even if they have to nail him shut. He lived up to that word. I get chills just thinking about it


As an old man who has read fantasy for nearly 55 years, I'm 67, Brandon, thank you so much for you stories which forced me to read late into the night and almost complete weekends because your books were they took me to a different universe. I also knew if I took a longer time, the thrill wouldn't be as Intense. It's like a roller coaster, the faster, the better. Also, you made a great Sam, faithful, humble, and true to your word.


Out of all of Brandon's works, him finishing the Wheel of Time is probably his most impressive piece of art. Taking a series as beloved and well written as The Wheel of Time, and not only finishing it, but finishing it in a way that was satisfying and so well written that most people wouldn't even be able to tell it was a different author, is simply jaw dropping.


It took me over a decade after Robert Jordan's passing to start the heretical impostor's novels to finish the series. Loved them! So happy Brandon Sanderson took on the job. He's no longer the heretical impostor.


The photo of mat, Rand and Perrin looking over you and Harriet made my heart lurch, beautiful art and beautiful final books to the wheel of time. Thank you for doing what you do Brando Sando


For all young aspiring writers who love Brandons books, imagine being asked to finish The Stormlight Archive, thats what Brandon did pretty much.


"I was not Frodo, I was Sam" That is such a great metaphor. I loved the way you finished the series, you did an honorable job. Thanks for all the hard work.
