Cell phone signal booster is simple and easy to make by yourself {2G_3G_4G}

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This device strengthens the mobile network and also strengthens the Wi-Fi network and the radio and television network This device is multi-use

You can buy all electronic components for the product here

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The frequency is in giga hertz, , all the coils shown r fm frequency range . this r all radio machanic design, it will certainly not work, he is fooling all, this is another fake video like many so dont waste ur time & get fooled


Граничная частота транзистора ниже рабочей частоты сотовых телефонов, не говоря уже о том, что транзистор должен иметь запас по частоте в 2-3 раза выше (примерно) для нормальной работы.катушки индуктивности намотанны как на 88-108 fm диапазон метровых волн, в то время как сотовые телефоны работают на сантиметровом диаппазоне ..) эта схема не может быть рабочей )


Great circuit. Used it on my microwave oven and it now cooks in half the time.


There are so many things wrong, I don't know where to start. However, there are a couple of obvious problems. With the antennas so close, you will have feedback and the 2nd stage appears to be an oscillator at 20 MHz or some harmonic. What I see there is an interference source and not a "signal booster". BTW, what you called a crystal oscillator is in fact just the crystal. Also, that transistor is only rated to 800 Mhz, so it won't do much for WiFi or the higher cell bands. Fire up a spectrum analyzer to see what that's actually doing.


Только от русскоязычных товарищей объективные комментарии 🤣
Все остальные благодарят и по ходу бегут за паяльником и проволокой


Сделал теперь, не только сотовая связь заработала без сим карты, но и вай фай раздаю, без лимита 🤟


Классная вещь. У меня даже чёрно-белый телефон в цвете заработал.


I built myself this circuit, connected to my car battery and now my petrol car runs entirely with a simple CR2023 Battery. It`s magic


What a fantastic tutorial! The cell phone signal booster is incredibly easy to make and has so many uses. Strengthening the mobile, Wi-Fi, radio, and television networks with one device is genius! The detailed instructions and links to purchase components and view the circuit diagram are very helpful. Thanks for sharing this valuable project!


ВЧ контуры больше на УКВ диапазон, чем выше частота тем меньше витков. А гегагерцовых частотах там контур вообще просто провод,


This circuit is great.
It even works for wifi.
Signal increases 2 bars and no more disconnects.
Also on it close to digital tv antenna no more picture breakup.
I put it next to my auto engine. Mileage to up 10-15 mpg and lots of power.
I put it on my pillow at night now the bald spot on my head is growing a lot of hair now.
Also missing 2 tooth in front new one grow back.
Wife too small on top put circuit in her purse now like mountains but problem now she poop a lot.
You should build on black box sell make a lot of money.


So great with this circuit. Before I was bald and now this circuit has brought my full head of hair back. Amazing.


Hi, It seems that this circuit could not be working due to the oscillator frecuency of 20mhz, I know that cell freqs are over 1000mhz or 1Ghz, this also applies to Wifi signals. It shall be reviewed and fully tested.


This MIGHT show an increase of the RF signal to your phone, but without a frequency counter, how do you know that it is on the RIGHT radio frequency for G2, G3, G4 and G5.
As in the UK, they use 9 different radio frequencies. As they use BAND 20, and that is on 800MHz, and on BAND 8, they use 900MHz, on BAND 32 (SDL) is on 1400MHz, on BAND 3, they use 1800MHz, on BAND 1, they use 2100MHz, then on BAND 40, they use 2300MHz, on BAND 7 (FDD) they use 2600MHz, and on BAND 38 (TDD) they use 2600MHz, and on BAND 42, they use 3400MHz.
So PLEASE tell me on WHAT band that this so called MOBILE SIGNAL BOOSTER ????
As I say, it might show some form of RF (Radiated Frequency) that will show MORE bars on your phone. But a TRUE signal booster is NOT just a TRANSMITTER, as it needs to be a TRANSCEIVER. That is a transmitter and a receiver built into one unit. Also the distance between the two aerials is a BIG thing. As if it is TRANSMITTING and then RECEIVING the same signal, it will form a FEEDBACK LOOP. You know if you hold a microphone next to a speaker and it makes a very bad noise, that is an AUDIO noise, or just think what sort of interference that it will make in a silent radio frequency ?
To tell you the TRURH, it is a crock of $h1T.
As I say, it will show MORE bars on your phone, but in NO WAY 🙅‍♂️ is it going to pick up a mobile signal from a cell tower to boost it to your phone, then simultaneously take the mobile signal from YOUR mobile phone and RETRANSMIT it as a BOOSTED signal back to that mobile cell tower.
It all looked GOOD and he even uses a crystal that is used in radio transmitter equipment, right down to him making a technical looking circuit diagram to make it look as if he knows what he is doing. I can put a strong 💪 signal to my phone, by using a rough metal file, some wire and a 9 Volt battery. As connect one wire to one of the terminals on the battery, and connect that to the metal file, then connect the other wire to the other terminal to the other side of the battery and run that wire up and down the file, it WILL generate a radio signal, that will cause a load of electrical interference on radios, and on TV’s, and will have some affect on a mobile phone. So for you to generate a radio signal is VERY easy.
Do NOT be taken in by STUPID people that just like to get subscribers and also to get likes.
I only wish that YouTube had a TECHNICAL department, some people that know about electrical generation and radio signal BOOSTING. Then they will NOT have people posting videos like this.


Почему так мало дизлайков? Бредовые выдумки гуманитариев побеждают здравый смысл, даже если схема изначально не рабочая?


Señores en vez de estar criticando tanto miren el lado practico del circuito, el trabaja en base a los harmonicos de la frecuencia principal y con relación a las antenas cerca una de la otra los routeres comerciales las tienen mas juntas y trabajan excelente; y si se pueden usar otros cristales de frecuencia. la primera antena toma una parte de la frecuencia de entrada y en la segunda antena con el cristal como referencia se mezclan y a la salida tenemos una frecuencia que esta dentro de la cobertura de la red en el celular dando la ganancia necesaria.


Watching Sir idol new viewer here. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!


To boost cell signal you need an antenna with high gain and a powerful amplifier


This is as if it were a result of a false positive test.... You took the transmission frequency nearby, amplified it, and the cel in the search for frequencies understood that there is a stronger signal nearby. But this does not mean that there was an effective expansion in the signal transmission and reception system.


Не было показано как он спаял схему, по принципиальной схеме ли? Вообще есть ли там припой, кроме как на одном резисторе и светодиоде, про максимульную частоту транзисторов уже написали, антенны близко расположены, по идее одна должна быть например на крыше, другая в помещении.
