Eclectic & Whimsical Patio Makeover ☀️ Cozy Fantasy Cottage DIY | Gardening & Decorating

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Hello my friends!

In this video I'm working on a DIY eclectic whimsy patio makeover in my cozy suburban cottage. Full of fantasy, gardening and fun decorating! I had to work with a budget and of course since I got the itch to do this during the spring season everything is at full price at the moment. But I think with what little I did to this space it still turned out completely different than before. I am in LOVE! Sitting in this area is so much fun now and I can't wait to entertain in this space.

ALSO I have news! Recently I got a new camera! It has been a learning curve so I apologize for the late video this month. Hopefully the more I learn the faster I'll be able to get content out for you. In the meantime, thank you for your patience!

💚 - Shelby

Guaranteed | Eddie Vedder | Guitar Cover | Fingerstyle

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Since so many have asked the firefly lights are from amazon and the dragon is from Home Goods!


Just remember "family of color"! That's why so many of your things work so well together. Your rug is truly a neutral, but with pattern. Also, things like your lanterns (somebody loves you a lot to gift this wonderful find) are their own element and the way you chose to hang them makes them all the more special! As to your flower choices, it's your house and if they always give you pleasure, they work. I heard a long time ago that if you love it, it works!! So truly enjoy what you have created. Oh, and does the husband have a brother???


Everything looks beautiful and I love your imagination!! Just an FYI - NOT a criticism but to let you know (as you said you were new to gardening) you should never move a plant while it's blooming and iris plants should be planted very shallowly with the top of the root just under the soil. They are best moved in fall or very early spring and the leaves cut to just about 5" tall. Good luck on the gardening journey - I can't wait to see how everything turns out!!


For the grey poles, you can do what the "Stone Cottage Home" channel did with theirs in their recent patio makeover, they got 2 fence boards and put them at an angle so that they covered the poles and drilled them into the fence. It ended up giving them a more custom look and covered the ugly grey! Hope this helps! I love how it turned out, especially the marbles in the fence, I never would have thought of that! I've been wanting to add whimsy to my patio as well even though my usual style is neutral English country cottage.


I just learned this: Put some rocks in the birdbath, they need it to be pretty shallow. You can have varying heights by differing rock sizes. Wildlife watering spot. Your husband's brain is excellent!!


Finally found the dragon today after searching for weeks since seeing this video! Can’t wait to continue my own whimsical outdoor space.


What a great makeover!! I too saw the marbles in the fence idea and thought it was so magical! You did a great job!


I love that you reused a lot of lovely items you already had gathered! So lovely.


It’s spring in Australia so this is perfect! Love this!! ❤❤❤


I love what you did with the place. I know you said you didn't know much about gardening, so I just wanted to tell you that when you water your flowers, do it at night or when they are in the shade because if you get the leaves wet when the sun is out it burns the flowers which is why your irises turned brown after you planted them. They should recover if you have been watering them enough after planting them. They need a little more water than usual, especially on hot days. If you have any gardening questions, let me know. My landscape architect fiance and I can help. Once again, great job! I especially love all the colors!


It’s all beautiful! I really like the firefly lights.


I love Portulacas, I never planted them in the ground only in pots, and, to my amazement, last yr. I saw them in the ground everywhere, front & back gardens. They are so pretty and bloom all summer. I live in WI and we have a short growing season. I'm crossing my fingers and hope they come back again.


The marbles are a great idea. I will copy that.


Your garden has a lot of character now. Great job 🤩


New to your charming channel. Ooh hon, glad you kept your outdoor furniture, it's lovely. A fresh coat of paint always brings things back to life. It was enjoyable to see you create a beautiful backyard/porch area!! Ty for sharing.


Carpenter bees put holes in everything in Georgia….plant some lantana and confederate jasmine…….They get bigger every year and smell divine!!!!


what a fabulous makeover, Love everything* the watering stations you set up for the bees, so so sweet. If you get mosquitoes there you should sprinkle some mosquito dunks or bits in the water* I do that because I like bird baths and watering stations also* enjoy your beautiful new space*


Love that you painted the perfectly good and lovely patio set. Having those multiplying Iris are such a great addition to the garden. I may have to try some, now that you said they do that. The marbles in the fence is such a unique look. And the gifted lanterns must be stunning at night.. You definitely have an eclectic style, with a great mix of colors . As for the ugly white table... your words not mine... Just paint it in a nice blue for a pop of color and cohesiveness with the cushions. It all turned out great, and will only look better as it matures .


Lovely, ... I really like the marbles. So WhimsY.. Blessings.


Absolutely delightful and magical! Can't wait to see what you do next. You've inspired me!
