528 Hz | Overcome Procrastination & Develop Willpower - Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Frequency Music

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The solar plexus chakra healing vibrations. This marimba meditation music is composed around the 528 Hz, the solfeggio frequency of the third chakra. All the chakras are equally important for the harmonic personal and spiritual development. The solar plexus chakra is responsible for the self-esteem, willpower and pleasure of life.

The healthy and clean solar plexus chakra helps you to take the control of your life. Is there something you wanted to do for a long time, but didn't for some reason? The solar plexus chakra with its procrastination relief abilities is the key. Developing the solar plexus chakra will help you to overcome procrastination and develop willpower to take actions that will change your life. The third chakra is also a source for the joy of life. That's natural – life becomes a joy when you take the full control over it in your own hands. The solar plexus chakra balancing gives you the courage for changes.

The advice to the listener:
- don't listen at high volume, make the meditation music just as loud to hear the bass as a background sound
- sit comfortably or lie down for proper relaxing effect
- dim the lights if possible
- headphones are not mandatory, but your sound system should have a decent sound quality then. No Hi-End audio needed, just a proper bass reproduction is recommended
- headphones can also be used with no problem for deeper relaxation
- enjoy the solar plexus chakra frequency vibrations and develop your manipura

Root Chakra Meditation Music:
Sacral Chakra Meditation Music:
Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation Music:
Heart Chakra Meditation Music:
Throat Chakra Meditation Music:
Third Eye Chakra Meditation Music:
Crown Chakra Meditation Music:

My mission is to bring you the Inner Peace.

Composition number: #19010
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Listened to this while sleeping last night and today is the first day I could actually get anything done. I studied for hours and cleaned and organized my room…Weird cause I didn’t even think of it either I just did it and felt in the mood to do it too. I’m listening again tonight cause this must be a legit miracle 😂💚😊


11:12am: im gonna listen to this before studying!!
11:25am: no way, i wrote two FULL paragraphs in less than 10 minutes...
12:00pm: i swear this worked like magic, i'm almost done with my report, but i have to switch classes. i'll finish it tomorrow because i have a very busy afternoon, best of luck, everyone!


When I turn on this frequency, I always finish 80% of the housework. Thus, I prevent anxiety. Clutter is definitely an anxiety trigger. Thank you.


11:11 - Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude 🌎🧿🙏🏻


After listening to this amazing track, I destroyed procrastination and sent out two CVs. Wish me luck! 🙏🏼


For anyone feeling lost, let this music guide you back to yourself. Remember, you are never alone. 🎵🤗 Drop a ❤ if this music makes you feel connected!


Procrastination held me back on so much.. but not ANYMORE!! 😁🤩🎁


I always play this when I need to clean, and It always gives me the energy I need 💕 procrastination no more!


THIS IS FANTASTIC! I finally finished cleaning, writing a good chunk of my thesis (like 30%) went for a walk and did the laundry within 6 hours! Thank you for this! Truly! Bless you! I listened to this perhaps 3 times! wow! amazing!


this works, i tried to meditate into this and fall sleep.
I had a dream.
i met a master from other place that was guiding me to find the will for my strugle. i dont know how this happen but it was a lucid dream i was amazed by the power of this music somone from another place answerd my soul- amzeing stuff!!.


Thank you I’ve tested it for two days now and really does work, bless your soul👏🏾


I have issues with concentration and this has really been helping me. You have no idea how thankful I am for finding this. Thank you 💫


I wanted to write something today. I had been procrastinating so I put this on and about a minute later I started writing and haven't stopped. I have listened to this before in the morning and before I know it, everything is done. Thank you!


I have 10 exams that I *need* to pass, it is so stressful and I get anxiety but I will listen to this and believe in myself!

I will update you (if I forget, pls remind me thx)


I love that it worked for so many of you! that's exactly what I'm hoping for, Focus & Motivation to get some cleaning/ organizing done. I've been in a pretty bad depressive slump and it's hard to find the willpower to get things done..hoping this helps me🙏🏽❤


I bet if you believe that it works it will. Now what would be interesting is playing this randomly to someone without telling them how it's supposed to affect them and then observe how it affects them


Merci pour cette fréquence après avoir écouté ça la nuits je ne souffre plus de procrastination. J’ai travaillé pendant plusieurs heure et j’ai avancé sur tout mes projet ça ma beaucoup aidé a atteindre mes objectifs


I'm on page 2 of my 3-page paper, I washed the dishes, and I will take a shower and clean my room. This works wonders. Thank you.


Wow, from the very first 'ding' in the track I felt that in my solar plexus. Yeah, this seems to have a good influence for me.


This one was like finding a hidden treasure, my fav for motivation, stopping procrastinating. Thanks for making this!
