Inside i fall apart 💔 playlist with lyrics

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Sad songs playlist
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A Hayd playlist
00:00 Suffocate

04:00 Superhero
08:03 I Fall Apart
12:02 Safe & Sound

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#Hayd #Mix #Mellow
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those who are suffering from anxiety, depression heartbroke, who is feeling trouble to even taking breathe, trying to pretend okay, trying to deal with destruction on a daily basis but don't let others have a sniff of the smoke.... I just want to tell you that everything will be okay. You are strong enough to deal with tough situations, you are amazing, you are perfect, just give some time and everything will be okay, keep loving yourself. Lots of blessings 😊💙💙


To everyone going through a severe heartbreak and not able to communicate.. I hope you will overcome it.. Sending loads of love..


its not the music that makes you cry its the people that you remember of when you listen to it....


Aw thanks for playing my songs Mellow :) much love


For anyone that is listening to this song,
Sorry to disturb your scrolling, I know we don't know each other
but i wish you all the best in life and may all things work
in your favor.Your not alone.I love you all I hope you have a
good day.


The saddest people are always the most kind because they know what it's like to feel worthless and like a piece of sh*t and they don't want anyone else to feel like that


missing someone who doesn't miss me back🙂


To all the people who feel unloved...

Many people care about you including your parents, siblings, god etc even if think they don't just remember you don't need others to make you feel special, self love is key. What you should really value is life god gave you life he put effort into you making you the most perfect version of yourself and you wanna end it. Your skin isn't paper don't cut it your body isn't a shirt so don't hang it. I'm sure god is just testing you, just keep your head up and smile through hell before you know it it'll all be over. Times like these are the times god makes us tough and we learn to smile in all our difficulties. Just remember you are loved❤️


hey, if you’re reading this. stop listening to sad songs. the music feeds the depression and anxiety and stress or just sadness. especially don’t listen to sad music at night, it gets into your head. you should go do your favorite activities or just something you like, but if it’s night for you. drink some water and go to sleep. you should listen to music like Bubbly or I love you baby. or even listen to or read a book. and if you’re struggling with school, you got this. i believe in you, don’t compare yourself to other students.
if you’re remembering the sad things you went through, remember the good times. only the good times. and hey, i love you. you’re doing great even if you don’t think so. ♥️♥️♥️


I'm giving you my own 101 reasons to stay alive list:
1. you'll never eat your favorite food again
2. you'll never drink your favorite drink again
3. you might one day meet your idol
4. people who care about you will miss you
5. laughing so hard your stomach hurts
6. crying to let it all out and feeling better
7. sitting by a slightly opened window and listening to music with some breeze flowing in is the best thing ever, bonus points if it's raining
8. you'll never wear your favorite clothes again
9. sleeping in
10. reading your favorite book
11. you'll never grow up with your friends
12. flopping onto your bed our couch after an exhausting day
13. trampolines
14. cookies
15. coffee or tea (your preference)
16. getting something new and that feeling of happiness
17. rewards for doing good on something
18. your favorite show
19. your favorite game
20. singing in the shower
21. farting when you're alone and laughing about it
22. the moon
23. the stars
24. activities that entertain you even if you're not very good at it
25. your favorite scent
26. listening to a song on loop for hours
27. staring into nothingness and thinking about a bunch of nothing
28. the warmth you feel when someone hugs you
29. turning on the ac/fan/getting under the shade in the hot weather
30. cuddling under a blanket in the cold weather
31. dancing when to music when you're alone
32. sunsets
33. sunrises
34. snow
35. rain
36. your favorite song
37. you'll miss out on memes
38. watch corona disappear
39. long bus/train/car rides
40. road trips
41. going to the bathroom after holding it in for hours
42. that satisfying feeling when you so much drink water when you're thirsty to the point you're full
43. trying out new things
44. hearing birds chirp early in the morning
45. really special events like graduations, weddings, anniversaries, etc.
46. giving gifts
47. receiving gifts
48. when you're eating butter popcorn and one of them is a lot saltier than any of most of them (same with fries)
49. fireplaces
50. roasting marshmallows
51. s'mores
52. chocolates
53. finding stray animals
54. listening to a new artist and instantly getting hooked to their songs
55. when you're vacuuming and you hit an extra dusty spot and it makes that crinkling noise
56. eating so much food to the point you feel like you're about to throw up
57. free things
58. that happiness you feel when you overcome a problem
59. the sigh of relief you do when you guess on a test answer and it ends up being right
60. holidays
61. that funny moment when you keep telling yourself "one more chapter"
62. when you procrastinate something but you're like "that was easy" when you end up finishing it
63. amusement parks
64. candies
65. when you're bored and you do absolutely random useless things like trying to get the same side magnets to touch each other
66. learning random useless facts that somehow entertain you
67. that feeling when your heart skips a beat from thinking about something exciting
68. aesthetic things
69. hugging things
70. seeing rainbows after it rains
71. when wind blows in your face and it's annoying but you find it funny at the same time
72. when you lay down and you instantly feel tired and feel like you're falling asleep after a long day
73. trying to stay up but you end up failing and you're mad at first but you laugh about it later on
74. falling leaves
75. cherry blossom trees
76. your favorite animal
77. that scary feeling when you find a spider in your bed and you're about to catch it but it disappears
78. doing embarrassing things when you're alone
79. cringing at weird things
80. trying to learn a new culture
81. feeling better about yourself when you find out you're better than someone at something
82. you weren't born to entertain people
83. saying witty comebacks (sometimes backfiring but it's funny in the end)
84. arguing with 8 year old kids
85. those disgusting yet funny moments when you accidentally swallow a bug
86. new technologies
87. feeling nostalgic when you remember old things
88. when you look back at your younger self and realize how much you've grown and changed
89. cringing at old things you've said and done
90. money
91. random shower thoughts
92. asking yourself extremely random questions like "how many ants are there in the world"
93. when you think you're failing at something but in the end everything ends up being alright
94. that weird funky smell from new items
95. how hard it is to hold in a smile when your parents embarrass you and they go there's that smile
96. beautiful artworks that sometimes don't make sense
97. feeling happy for other people
98. cute animals
99. flowers
100. laughing at your own stupidity
and lastly, 101: me :)


Whoever is reading this I just want to say that I’m very proud of you. I know that there’s days where you don’t wanna be here or are you just wanna isolate yourself from the world. I get those days too. It’s not fun when those days happen or when you’re having those days. I love you so very much and I am so grateful to have you here on this earth. You are loved by so many people. It may not seem like it at all but I love you. And I’m so proud of everything that you’ve done. You’re here right now on this earth reading this. You’re here on this earth. Life may seem tough but it gets better. You’re going to question yourself so many things. Your mind is going to tell you so many things. Answer those questions with confidence. Fill your mind with positive things to tell yourself. Don’t let the demons in your head get to you. They will do anything they can to ruin you. To ruin yourself. Don’t let anyone bring you down. If you just got out of a break up I’m so sorry that happened. Just know that you are better off without someone. Sometimes it’s better to just be alone for a while. Just remember to take breaks when needed. If you need to take a break it’s OK to sit down and take a break.You are enough. I hope you have a wonderful day. I love you so much. Keep your head up.


He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Psalms 147:3


To anyone who reads this,
You are not alone. It’s hard I know. I can’t physically hold you and tell it gets better but I can leave this message and hope it reaches people in need. I love you, whatever you’re going through, you’re so strong and I know you will come out of this stronger than you could imagine. You’re beautiful, keep pushing forward ♥︎


Love is such a hard thing to find but also a hard thing to keep. I was struggling and a nice and kind person came into my life. We weren’t together for long but I actually felt wanted and safe. He left, but I’m kinda glad he did, because I needed to loose someone to find love for myself.


A heart brake takes a long time to overcome but it gets better in time, sometimes it seems to have permanent effects like not being able to communicate with everyone around like you used to, it will take a conscious effort to fix some things. BUT, it… gets… better! I promise, take my word for it! Whoever you are reading this, this is for you.❤️


POV: When hayd said "When you are weak, I'll be so strong"
"When you can't sleep, I'll sing our song"
"When you feel cheap Don't worry my love will be free"
"When you look at me, I can't breath
My heart sink and inside I fall apart"
and you realise just how much you love her.


Those trying to hide that they are hurt, broken, and feeling lonely know that u r not alone. I may not know u but I'll always be there for u. I love you and trust me things get better over time. ❤ don't give up


Its crazy how a lot of people are listening to this at the same time but we all have different people in our minds


Sometimes when someone is depressed, upset or sad, they never realize how important it is to be yourself ...! But every time someone listens to Mellow songs they understand when it's not worth giving up ...! 😔💔


The singer seems so unassuming as if he is just reading dialogue to music, but what he doesn't realize all these songs shared a very special meaning to my soul so thank you, that takes immense talent ❤
