let's talk about unfinished cosplays and doing things 'the right way' (cosplaying with ADHD)

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when I first started cosplaying in 2016, I thought everyone in the hobby finished what they started... and BOY WAS I WRONG, especially since I've been diagnosed with ADHD! I wanted to make this video to remind you all that I've got plenty of unfinished projects and it's a NORMAL part of the creative process.



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alternatively titled “how taking a year to finish a video game finally gave me peace of mind about all of my unfinished projects & cosplans and that it's OK to take your time building cosplays” lol ... thank you guys as always for your support, things have been rough but you guys are just amazing and so inspiring :)


as a fellow adhd cosplayer I feel this to my core. as I struggle with completing projects I remind myself that as long as I am not letting down people in my life with completing a project and i am getting enjoyment out of the act of creation then I am doing ok. and i am getting a ton of enjoyment out of making things and your videos so keep em coming vault.


I too have been struggling with my adhd and making/ finishing cosplays or feeling that my work is up to my standards its incredibly frustrating. I'm really glad you talked about it and you found some inner peace. it definitely made me feel a little better! I'm looking forward to more of your cosplays/cosplans!


I think we are the same person. All of this is so true and very well said. I have lots of guilt when I don't finish something, so that guilt pushes me negatively. I'm trying to understand that more.


Stardust, You are amazing! So inspiring.
Im 50 now working on my first ever cosplay and only just received my diagnosis for ASD, Dyslexia and PTSD from childhood abuse. That have led to me suffering from a personality disorder.
I mourn so much over the things I feel Ive lost for not knowing just what was wrong with me and thinking I was just crazy for biggest part of my life.
Cosplay for me is my way to focus on something healthy although not always in a healthy way. Getting out of the house and mixing with people despite my anxiety and depression is something I hope and feel will help me become someone else, someone heroic someone who isnt me so I can face the outside world.

You are the one person who inspired me to get into cosplay and your videos have helped so much. And Im sure Im not alone in saying you have helped changed my life and the lives of many more people than you realise!
My ambition would be to meet you at a expo or something one day. Although sadly In in UK. Not the US. But hopefully one day I pray the fates although it to happen.
Thank you so much, for all youve done and will do for myself


Thank you for bringing up this topic. I know was working on several projects when my mom died almost 2 years ago and have not been able to work on them since, started working on a few of them recently. I was upgrading my 3d printer at the time, and never could bring myself to work on it again. I went and bought a new printer and trying to get back into it. I know videos like that are probably the hardest, but they are most appreciated.


Thank you so much for sharing! I’ve felt like this for past 2+ years. I have so many unfinished cosplays. Some of them unearthed some insecurities that I am overcoming. I agree that it is rewarding to come back to them even it’s for a small amount of time. I can’t wait to revisit them with a new perspective. Again, thank you for sharing your experience.


If you make one thing a year and make it as entertaining and informative as you do we will all still keep coming back! Personally I go full tilt in the beginning and tend to lose interest, (so I feel you on the unfinished things). That is close enough for now I'll go back to it, (Or so I used to tell myself). Over the last year for me to keep the creative juices and focus going I start 2 or 3 projects at once to bounce around between.


I can so relate!! Thank you for sharing your story, thus spreading hope!! I will definitely be writing down my reasons for stopping on a project (which I am beating myself up about the most)! 👏


The stickers came yesterday! They're by far my favorite!


A lot of the pressure coming from social media is exactly what you are talking about. I feel the same way when I am not able to even turn anything out in teh last few months


Don't so hard on yourself on working hard. Because I've been working on my armor and ideas for over 2 years and I am still fixing, making mistakes and fighting with my only 3d printer is a struggle but it is always good to take a step back and wind down and recharge your batterys till you are ready to work on your projects.


Thanks for talking about this. It’s definitely something that feels like a topic that is never mentioned in the cosplay community.

My biggest unfinished cosplay is Anna’s coronation dress from the first Frozen. I had just gone to my first “big” convention (GalaxyCon MSP 2019), and I loved it. That con was my first big/real competition, and I loved the entire experience. My goal was to have this dress be a competition piece for the return of GalaxyCon in the fall of 2020.

But then the world broke.

So even though I was like 75% done with it at that point of the convention cancelling, I just completely lost all motivation to finish. I managed to force myself finish the appliqués on the skirt, as well as pin the hem, but I just can’t bring myself to finish it. What makes it even harder for me is knowing that the bulk of the hard stuff is done! I just have to hem, topstitch, and bone and bind the bodice and it is done. But with that convention no longer coming back to MN, on top of other cosplays I do want to work on, I think it will be a while before I come back to finish it.

Makes me sad that I honestly do not want to work on it, but I’m hoping that your delayed gratification thought comes true for me, too.


I have suspected for years that I have ADHD. But so far I have no diagnosis. But I can relate to what you're saying very well. Start something new? Piece of cake. To end something? Almost impossible. For hobbies like cosplay, that's not a problem for me. At work.... Another topic 😅


Thank you so much for talking about this! Really spoke to me. You're doing great by the way!


A very on time post. My Book of Boba Fett armor stalled about a month ago. My printers collected dust and my filament started breaking, the workbench is cluttered, etc... I can fully relate to almost everything you mention. Last night I printed something small just because. Thank you!


I feel all of this with my hobbies. Aside from ADD (which I also have), I don’t think you can underestimate the power of anxiety brought on by the last couple of years or so.


Totally agree. Everyone has those projects just sitting around they haven't gotten back to. I have several unfinished costumes sitting in my office in various states of completion. Magneto - First Class end scene (helmet complete, need to sew shirt and cape), Rocketeer (need to figure out harness for jetpack), Witch King of Angmar (helmet, sword, & mace all printed), Mando helmet (I have a cast and just want that for display), '66 Riddler (waiting on green suit from China), Sabine Wren (helmet printed, other part models sourced), and several others that are just props that I'm not sure were ever going to be full costumes. Burn out is real and it's why I switch projects frequently to keep from losing interest. Hell, with all of this on the workbench (metaphorically) I just started printing a giant crow skull mask to do a Khonshu costume.

Oh, I've been working on that Rocketeer costume for something like 10 years now.


I have a black panther suit and a punisher war machine suit that I am close to finishing. I keep hitting road blocks that I feel like they are mountains. I keep having to remember that one step at a time and I will get to where I want to be. It’s great to see that I am not the only one that has felt that getting something done shouldn’t be the pay off. I should be enjoying the making process as well. Thanks for the video and the share.


I started buying parts from The Custom Saber Shop in ‘18. Just little by little. Last Christmas my wife gave me a gift card for the site and told me to go nuts purchasing what I lacked and finally put a bow on the whole affair.
In February my area was hit with a series of snow/ice storms and I took one afternoon and planned the entire build. That night, in costume, I laid out all the parts as Corran Horn did in I, Jedi. My wife photographed the whole evening. In a couple of hours I got to finish a project I had been purchasing for across 4 years, and dreaming for for easily 20. The first time I hit the ignition and a silver blade sprang to life I almost cried. I have built a over dozen costumes in my life but that was a Holy Grail for me. Couldn’t have done it without all her support.
