Does money buy happiness? 💵💵 'Self made millionaires' vs 'inherited millionaires'

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Being born in a rich family vs. Becoming rich from being very poor!
What do you think people’s perspectives towards ‘wealth’ is like?

#giggle #korean #koreangirl #richfamily #loyalfamily


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Wow, there are so many subscribers overseas.
Thanks to the producer, I had a lot of fun filming


90% of my problems can be solved with money. Those who did not experience poverty will never know what happiness money can bring.


You can definitely see that the self-made millionaires are more calculative and objective on their opinions because that's what made them successful while the inherited millionaires are more free/relaxed and subjective on their views because that's the privilege they got from growing up in a wealthy family and that is to not think too much about life and just enjoy it.


Having money doesn’t mean you are automatically happy, but it sure is easier to be happy when you have it vs when you don’t.


people with money always say "I dont think money matters, as long as you're happy" because money has never been an obstacle in your life so how can you see an obstacle most people face, if you have never seen that obstacle. It is one big problem everyone could so without. Obviously doesn't make you a good person, but makes life easier


Are we gonna casually ignore how they just got a whole bunch of random millionaires and sat them in one room?


The pain of being financially unstable is a unique one. I was homeless when I was 10, and I’ll never recover from that.


Money buys you the freedom to attain happiness.
The more money you have, the more freedom you have.
Thus more opportunity to pursue happiness.




The rich girl is kind of woke tbh. When she was explaining about her past dating experiences it was quite daunting that some of her exes would borrow money. With those circumstances you can have that mindset to find someone with the same financial situation or higher because some just date you for money. Although if you find someone who is genuine and loves you even if having financial difficulties, ofc grab the chance.


I agree that even though you never got help financially from your parents, being born in a wealthy family is in itself an advantage. It's already a step forward in the direction of becoming rich. It helps that you don't have to worry about working side jobs for your parents and siblings, you get into better schools, there might connections helping through some steps of the way and etc. I also agree with the point that everyone tries, but not everyone gets to be rich. For the ones who do get rich, I would say its true that they probably put in extra effort, sweat and tears. But sometimes it all just falls on luck. It's just something some people don't realize, in life, luck IS a variable too.


Coming from a person whose family is well off (now), money doesn't equal happiness but it 100% helps to direct you towards it. I don't have to worry if I will have enough money to pay my bills or put food on the table. I don't have to worry if my parents and grandparents have enough money to get by. Thus, I can primarily focus on my own goals/ needs. I don't like my current job? Ok, I can change my career path and I won't have to worry about tuition fees or other expenses. Knowing that I have this safety net, no matter what, IS a HUGE privilege.
Does this mean I am 100% happy? Ofc no, like everyone else, I still have problems. However, had I been poor, I wouldn't have had the luxury to even worry about these problems (let alone have a dream) since I would've been too busy struggling to survive.


A wealthy person who have never been broke wouldn't know how it feels to be broke, so according to their experience they would definitely say that money doesn't bring happiness because they have only dealt with sadness with money !


Money ≠ happiness
Money = better living conditions

For example; my rent is cheap, my dad and I are the only ones working out of a 5 person family. I’m working at a fast food restaurant and my dad works in maintenance a school.

Life is definitely less stressful when dad, mum, my brother and myself were working.
My family would have been able to finally buy a house.

Edit: my mum left us out of nowhere so it is less financially tight because of food/alcohol/ cigarettes but less happy because there is drama now. So I’ve come to realise it doesn’t matter. Money is money, I love my siblings I love my dad and that is what matters like you see homeless people with a spouse and a dog and they’re happy how they are. I think it’s a state of mind (if we’re getting down to the most dramatic point).


its true that
"A wealthy person will always says money is not everything"
"A beautifull person will always say beauty is not everything"
because they never faced these obstacles, they never faced financial problem or never faced problems that comes when you are not beautiful.


The last question shocked me a lot from both sides (If you try hard enough anyone can be rich.) I think there are so many variables put into place for the rich to stay rich and the poor to stay poor that not everyone can achieve it. And the people failing didn’t fail because they “didn’t try hard enough” it’s because the chances and opportunities aren’t on their side all the time. And I thought that at least the self made millionaires would understand that. Becoming wealthy often has to do with taking risks.. anyone sitting there can probably say it’s easier for them to take such risks because the only have suffice for themselves. On the other hand a single mother working 3-4 jobs can’t take such risks because she has to put food on the table to. Does it mean she’s trying any less then the people sitting on those chairs at that giggle broadcast? No.. it doesn’t.


I don't think trying hard will automatically lead to success. If you lack skill, talent, and intelligence you can try very hard but still fail. I also think it is an advantage to come from a family with money. Silver spoon can try and fail, but still have family to catch them when they fall. If a person from a poor family takes a risk and fails they could be homeless. On a different subject ; I think Jei is a very cool person.


Money doesn't buy happiness but it can sure buy convenience and comfort which is exactly what I need in my life HAHAH


You can see the differences by how the self-made millionaires and inherited millionaires both dress differently


Money doesn't automatically make you happy, but that doesn't mean it's any less important. You need money to survive in this world. My goal is to work hard to have just enough money so that I don't even have to think about it. Like, not exactly rich, but comfortable. But knowing how uncertain things are, I guess I understand people that prefer being safe rather than sorry, and just bust their asses off to get rich. I guess this all depends on how you were raised and how present money was in the day to day conversations of the people closest to you.
