What Netflix Didn't Tell You About Waylon Jennings Walking Out Of 'We Are The World'

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Waylon Jennings was the definition of Country Outlaw music. And he showed just that when he decided to walk out of the recording of 'We Are The World'. Netflix documentary 'The Greatest Night in Pop' touches upon the subject but fails to explain what were the larger consequences of Waylon Jennings walking out of the recording.

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Tom Snyder once bumped Waylon back 30 minutes on his talk show, so Waylon said "why don't I make it easy for him and give him all the time he needs, " got up and walked out of the studio.


Waylon always seemed to have this no-nonsense, no-bullshit side to him. That was a strength.


Waylon is a fucking legend. I’ve listened to him since the 70’s. I have nothing but respect for the man, and I miss him.


Proves to me that Waylon had more guts than 90% of the celebrities who were there, and 99.5% of the celebrities out there today.


And how much of that 63 million dollars made it to Africa? Apparently not much.


I went to a Waylon Jennings show in 1979. It was the greatest show I've every experienced. It was an outdoor event at Manor Downs just east of Austin. There were maybe 2 or 3 thousand people and no seats. I hung out near the front and watched and listened to Waylon rock out for about three hours. He of course sang and played guitar with about 6 or 7 guitars behind him. They played all his hits and jammed on them for 15 minutes each. They would start out with the recognizable song and get off into the riffs and seamlessly get back to were they started. They went for an hour and a half and Waylon took a break but the band just kept playing. Then Waylon came back and played another hour and a half. It was non-stop music. What a tight band.


As a person coming from a mixed race background who knows nothing about Waylon Jennings other than he’s a country singer, I think his point was very valid. I hate the fact that just because he is white and a country singer that automatically means he’s a racist. That is its own type of prejudice and is an unfair assumption to make. I think most of us have prejudices we don’t even realize and are all guilty of thinking in ways that are racist or prejudiced from time to time and topics like this are sometimes the wake up call we need to realize our assumptions are sometimes rooted in our own latent and misinformed stereotypes. Like I said, I don’t know about Waylon, maybe he’s said racist stuff, maybe he hasn’t. But based on this event alone, I respect the man for sticking up for what he believed and not compromising his integrity.


Been in trouble with the law, since the day he was born...


I liked how he didn't even make it about him either. He just silently walked down the steps and walked out. Didn't raise no big fuss or make it about him. Quietly excused himself with taking nothing away from the cause. Did not make a big scene. Much respect Waylon. We miss you man


Waylon the Legend, I Still Listen to Him Every Day... Amen!


He probably got in there, saw and heard what it was all about and he thought this just ain’t for me and backed out.I got no problem with that.


Waylon was on point. People often say "Africa" as if it is a country and not a continent containing 54 different countries. There is no single African language or dialect.


Is anyone else getting real sick and tired of everyone calling everyone racist?


This song was never about helping anyone but themselves.. as proven by the endless behind the scenes, recounts, documentaries, specials, etc etc etc. They love seeing themselves "doing charity".


The line "Tonight thank god it's them instead of you" had me perplexed even as a child..like wtf😂😂😂😂💯👍


I always thought "We Are the World" was way too corny and grossly commercial. It reminded me of that Coca Cola song: "I'd like to teach the world to sing...in perfect harmony..." Yeah, right. Just drink your sugar water.


He walked out he’s racist, he walks in he’s racist, he eats lunch he’s racist. That term has zero meaning to me anymore.


After hearing that song 8 million times, I started changing stations whenever it came on. So, about two days after it was released.


Waylon was the same in Nashville. He did things his way. He put the producers and studio people where they belonged and blazed new trails for the next generations.


Not really a Waylon fan but I appreciate a man that makes his own decision and stands by it.
