Dr. Beach: Rip Currents

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I live in Florida. I was 22 yrs old and a good swimmer because I used to live on a lake and went swimming everyday. I was standing in waist high water at the beach when a wave came and hit me from behind. I jumped up to let it pass by, like I usually do, but within a second, I was pulled uderneath the water, from a suction that was so strong. I didn't know what was happening.. It was so quick, I didn't have a chance to take a breath before being pulled underneath. I was tumbling and spinning around underneath the water. I couldn't do anything as it was pulling me out deeper. I was trying to fight it until I remembered that you're not supposed to fight, so I relaxed my body, while I was still tumbling and spinning around. It felt like it would never stop. I was so scared because I needed to breathe. Then all of a sudden the suction stopped pulling me and released me. I was so disoriented and didn't know where the surface was until I saw some light. I was so deep that it took me forever to swim up to the surface and when I finally reached the surface, I was gasping for air. I looked for the shore and saw a lifeguard on the shore, that looked like an ant. I was so exhausted from the rip current, it took forever as I slowly swam back to shore. When I reached the shore, I just sat there and cried because I could have died. The lifeguard never saw me dissappear. There wasn't any chance of swimming parallel to the shore because I was sucked under too fast and tumbling out of control. I had gone swimming alone that day and ever since that day, I have never gone alone again. Now, I have a fear for my children whenever they go to the beach. Rip currents are killers! Please, know what to look for and what to do, if a rip current should pull you under!


I wish I could go back in time and show this to my friend who drowned. I miss you, Chris.


Every beach lover should know this information.


Maybe it should be renamed to R.I.P Currents


When I was 5 I went on a trip to the cape (cape cod, MASS) And their were HUGE waves. I was short so for my father they were kinda medium large maybe? I’m not sure. I saw my father out hitting the waves and it looks so fun. So I put on my goggles and ran out for him. Keep in mind my mother told me I was to young to go in that water, so I had to just sit there and make sand castles. As I was walking out The water was about up to my waist, I was calling for my dads attention so I could play with him, when a huge wave knocked me over and started pulling me out to sea. While going through it I could not lift my head up and it felt like a tube. I struggled to get out. It was impossible. My goggles were filled because I was crying and screaming. But nobody could hear me. When it stopped I could not see the ground. Then I felt somthing struggle to lift me up. It was my dad picking me up out of the water. He took my goggles off and hugged my tight. Turns out the life guard saw me and blew the whistle, but was to far away so my dad went into action. The water was also to tall for him so he was barely touching the ground. And my dad is 6 feet tall. He put me on his back and carried me on land. My mother ran up crying. Everyone on the beach circled me my mother and father. The life guard told my dad I was caught in a rip tide. If jt was not for my father, I would have died that day. I love you dad.


Goodbye sea..i will never see you again...damn nature you scary


I was caught in one of these yesterday. I couldn't get back to shore and there was no life guards around. I'm only 13... I wish I would of known how to get out of one of these. I tried to swim back to shore but it was impossible.. I kept getting pulled further away. It's a horrible thing to be in. I managed to get back to shore by laying on my back and kicking my legs as hard as I could. I don't know how I did it but eventually I could touch the ground again and I walked back to shore. There was this man coming to help me but I managed to save myself... It's a very scary thing, I couldn't breathe very well, because the waves were very powerful and my mouth keeps filling with horrible sea water.. It was so scary. I think this should be shown to everyone in schools.


Rest In Peace Shad Gaspard. Loved and missed dearly.


Wow this is the first video I've found that actually explains what causes a rip current and shows examples. Thanks for the info.


Shads died trying to save his son in California RipCurrents


Brilliant Public service be shown in EVERY school.


This is a very good video. I never knew rip currents existed until I saw a post about it. I got curious and watched several videos. Now I know what to do. I'll scout the beach before I swim in that is if I want to swim in it.


This is the best explainer video I've seen on YouTube about rip currents, so far. Thank you Dr Beach.


My dad and I were both caught in a rip current at the same time and we had never heard of one and we tried to swim against it but we were getting no where. My heart rate was through the roof and I was exhausted and so panic was setting in. We yelled and waved once we knew we are out of energy, and thankfully there was a life guard. I am also thankful that he informed us how to get out of one after.


rip current and what comes to my mind is R.I.P hmnnn...


I too, was pulled under when I was 11. My mom had warned me about the undertows. Other videos say that undertows are the same thing as rip currents; this video makes a distinction between the two, describing undertows as very strong backwashes. This makes sense to me, because I was definitely pulled under. Any who wants to reply that “undertows don’t pull you under either” are simply wrong. I was slammed by a strong wave, tossed and tumbled, and pulled out to sea. And fast! It was like being sucked up in a vacuum. As it pulled me away from shore, I realized it was also pulling me deeper. Luckily, the force of the pull helped me “straighten “... no longer tumbling.... and I remember thinking, “in a few more seconds, I’ll be pulled down deep enough, and I’ll be able to touch the bottom.” So I waited (those seconds seemed like an eternity!), and then when I got really close to the bottom, I pushed against the ocean floor with all my might, with both arms and legs, and popped up and out of the current. There was no “current” on the surface. I was just treading water, and it was like “regular” ocean movement. I looked for my Mom to tell her I was ok...she was way down from where I had been, and didn’t even realize I was “gone!” So. Undertow? Rip current? All I know is, it pulled me out and down, and I pushed out of it, vertically upwards, and no current on surface. So whatever you call it, I don’t think anyone should be saying it’s the same as a rip current.


I got tired and nearly drowned and I literally started to cry and pray that God would help me get out. Idk how but after a while my friend and I eventually did get out and I have forever had a little fear of going out too far in the water. Please inform yourself and others of the real dangers of this. It. Is. Real.


Thank you, Riptide by Vance Joy. Now I know what Rip current is. Your song might just save lives.


This is the best most well explained and simple Rip current video I have ever watched.


Came for info and stayed for the girl he was interviewing she was BAD 😍
