How to Bill Hours as a Law Firm Associate

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HOW TO BILL HOURS AS A LAW FIRM ASSOCIATE//Have you heard about lawyer billable hours but have no idea how billable hours work or how to go about keeping track of billable hours? Not to worry! In this video I cover the best attorney billable hour practices and explain how to bill hours as a lawyer so that you can succeed as a law firm associate! Understanding how much do lawyers work is only part of the equation, the other part is knowing how to bill time as a lawyer to the satisfaction of both the law firm partners and the clients :)

Check out this video to get all the best law firm associate billable hours tips and tricks!

Let me know in the comments below if you have any other questions questions about how to bill hours as a law firm associate! :)
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Have other questions about working as an associate at a law firm? Ask them below and I'll be happy to share everything I know! :)


absolutely relevant advice Angela. As a new lawyer i am struggling to be efficient and meet billable hours. Great advice


Great video 👍🏼 I’ve been practicing for 15 years and found this incredibly helpful.

I’ve primarily worked contingency cases the past 12 so billing was a joke but i just joined a new firm (started today, in fact) doing defense work. The billing process is different!! Thanks for re-teaching an old dog some new and old tricks 😎


This is so incredibly helpful. I wish I saw this video when I started billing hours in private practice. I had that uncomfortable conversation with my boss. One thing I would add is that you need to separate times from you learning and getting up to speed on a case from actually doing substantive work. That makes it easier for the partner to write off that time.


One of the partners at my firm literally punched me in the face for doing it wrong for over a year. It was probably the best thing that happened to me because after we ended up settling the lawsuit, I was given enough money to stop working for years if I really wanted to.


The pressure to bill is crazy high in Biglaw. This was helpful, thank you.


thank you! i anticipate feeling overwhelmed on my upcoming first day, so i appreciate this introduction/explanation


Some fantastic advice which is applicable in Kenya where I live and work. I really struggle put in time but this makes it clear. Keep on the great work.


The examples are always very helpful. Thank you!


Why did I see this only now?? This is very helpful. Thank you so much.


Could you do a video on what to wear as a summer associate? I know it’ll vary by firm culture. But some general guidelines?


I've been playing catch up, but I love your videos - very useful information. I've been practicing over 15 years and there are still little tidbits of information I find helpful. I wish there was more demand for this type of insider legal information on YouTube. I was considering starting a channel that dealt with different aspects of practicing law but there doesn't seem to be a lot demand.


Brilliant stuff Angela. Thanks much! My only question is where oh
where were you for my first clerking position???

Many firms at least mention some of these topics during
Orientation, but some don't. A lot of these topics would prob
be NBD to tenured associates, but it can be an incredibly
demoralizing process when one gets RAKED over da
proverbial coals by a partner for not magically meeting
standard firm practices you'd no idea existed.


Thank you for the beautiful video: It would be great if you shared your opinion on what features are the most important when you choose time tracking software for a lawyer?


Great advice! I have a question about rounding. My billing software automatically rounds up to the nearest .1 the second you hit "save". I usually do not complete large assignments, e.g. a motion, in one sitting (e.g., I work on it for a few hours, save my time, go home, then come back the next day and work a few more hours on it). By default, this would round my time up twice on one assignment. Is it proper to override my timer in this instance and round down, or is this "nickel and diming" myself? Guidance on rounding by the ABA appears very vague . . .


Hi Angela! Thanks for your video! I have 2 questions though: 1) on a Friday evening when you are waiting for an email from a client you bill that time. What if in the meantime you work on another case, do you bill that time twice? 2) You mentioned the requirement of hours you had (2400h/y), so what happens if you don't score that amount? Thanks in advance :)


Great content!

As a first-year associate applicant, is it alright to ask about the billing practices of a law firm in an interview?


New subscriber! Question, is it possible to work 9 hours and bill 9 hours for example? Say you eat at your desk etc. What if the person is a single parent? have you heard of any situations where that it considered?


I mean as a lawyer, I would make it a selling point that other lawyers will bill you for simply thinking about the case while they drive to the court house. I try to hold a higher standard than that. helps clients trust you.


How can a Client make CERTAIN that a Lawyer is billing HONESTLY and ACCURATELY?
Is there any way we can Vett the billing?
