Sviatoslav's Dream from The Tale of Igor's Campaign

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This is an extract from the medieval Tale of Igor’s Campaign, a poem written in the 12th century. The poetic text has been reconstructed by Sergey Nikolaev in 2015.
The Tale of Igor’s campaign is a poem written by an anonymous poet in Old East Slavic.

Prince Igor, son of Sviatoslav ruled over Novgorod Sieversk, which was part of the Chernigov Principality of ancient Rus’. In 1185, Igor waged a military campaign against the tribe of Polovtsians also known as Cumans. Unfortunately, the campaign failed, and Igor's regiment was defeated and Igor returned to his principality.
Igor’s father, Prince Sviatoslav, ruling in Kiev, in his palace on the hills, had an ominous dream about the military failure of his son Igor.

Now you will see the Old East Slavic text on the left, then the 12th century pronunciation on the right. And then, I also provide the English translation.
Рекомендации по теме

Крутезна ідея, подача, та багато праці. Дякую


Приятно видеть, что кто-то подаёт материал, связанный с Древнерусским наследием, для англоязычной аудитории. Спасибо за работу!


Ще раз пересвідчуюся, що східна старослов'янська звучить не так як російський варіант церковнослов'янської - це зовсім інша мова. Дякую вам за вашу роботу!
