Fallout 76: New Bundle 'Enclave Armory' for 'Gleaming Depths' Update

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I honestly believe this vertiguard power armor doesn't look like anything that enclave would wear


Dude... all they had to do was to make a Sigma Squad Vertiguard... wtf is this abomination of colors!?


You gotta be kidding me, 30 bucks for this?!


I don't understand why Bethesda can't stick to a consistent look for the Enclave. With Fallout 4, they introduced red, which clashed too much with the Brotherhood. Then with 76, they introduced yellow, which I don't really think works well either. Really should be black above all else.


Its insane how much money they charge for bundles and atom shop items.


Lol can’t just get the traditional APA from Fallout 2 with an Enclave insignia on the shoulder, a Tesla variant and colonel uniform 😂.. instead we get garbage.


There's one thing you may have missed, this bundle also comes with a new shelter called the Enclave Lab Shelter.


30 dollars is actually insane for that


NGL, the only thing worth getting is the collectron.

The outfits suck and the PA is not Enclave themed after the X -01 or Hellfire models and looks more like a BOS reskin.

They can keep it.


Wait are you serious? The repair bot will take the place of your collectron?? That makes the repair bot ass and not worth a damn!


The bundle also includes the "Enclave Lab Shelter: What secrets were they hiding in here? Decide for yourself!" that we've seen datamines for, probably worth mentioning.


F I hoped the new Technician outfit would have released in the Atomic shop as standalone. No way I'm paying 30 bucks for this.


Technician helmet reminds me of the Antman helmet..😂


The outfit looks good but nothing else I'd be interested in. Certainly not worth £30 to me.


Thanks for the video. I like the suit and the repair bot is pretty cool. If the repair bot doesn't fix things that are completely broken, then its not worth it. When my camp gets attacked and my turrets do absolutely nothing to stop the attack, things end up broke. Now if the repair bot was an attack dog version of the collectron dog and it killed things dead, I'd be all over that.


I definitely would NOT pay any real world money for this. Should be a reward drop or Atom Shop purchase (Personally, I wouldn't buy it thru the Atom Shop either).


It will most likely be $30, but then go on sale for $18 in the future. Not my favorite bundle tbh.


As always, excellent reporting in a timely fashion. Vielen Dank, Skywalka und die Nuka Knights!

Fortunately, thanks to your effort, we know that the season itself is oozing with artistic coherence and theme-appropriate creativity. A real treat!

As a faithful Enclave fan, I really want our beloved theme to perform well, but.. I will not be getting the bundle.

As men and women of culture around here have already mentioned, there were so many other options to flip and reuse assets, providing us with much more utility and purpose. Hopefully, we'll see those assets in the game at some point in the future.

Personally, I'd be super hyped for the bundle if it had:

1. Vat-chambered ultragenetic moleminer.
2. Pristine wall-hanging Enclave flag.
3. Enclave radio/jukebox with patriotic songs from F3, F4. No need for a dedicated DJ/Host. For now.
4. Epsilon-squad anything but Vertiguard. It seems overused. Presented recolor isn't different from default BOS at all. Probably Epsilon-themed -Skellscream-, or even ultracitized scorched Enclave hazmat suit could go much harder. At least we could have put it on display. A couple of those could prep a C.A.M.P. for the season right away.
5. Enclave Technician? Raid runner? Looks more like NCR Ranger technician. Inspiration from Helldivers is obvious. Hopefully, they'll once again dust up something from Adam Adamovic's OG insectoid Enclave concepts.
6. Repair Bot... I'd get that if it was just a Scavenger Collectron, collecting military bags, .308 ammo, lab & nuclear junk, flasks, microscops, biometric scanners, radioactive fluid and.. Non-legendary Enclave Pistols/Rifles, with random mods pre-attached. Or even 1%/7min for an enclave box mod, why not. Loot pool of junk is so huge that it still wouldn't be much different than having our server-hopping way with Watoga bots.

Ye. Thanks for staying with me. Have a great evening, everyone!


Lol this doesn't even look like an enclave bundle minus the protecteon


PA reskin in such bundle is a joke
the outfit is pretty cool i must admit
tags? who cares? its trash
repair bot is at least unique but rather useless and im sure well get more of it in the future

overall theyre pushing the limit so hard recently im starting to think its on purpose, as social experiment to see how far can they go
